Reminiscing on the bad memories...

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Lilith's P.O.V.

I walked into Donnie's lab, so I could get glasses from him.

"You need to sit down. Do you know your eye type? Or the information on your eyes, so I know what glasses to get you?" Donnie asked.

I told him the information on my eyes. He nodded and went over to a drawer. He looked in it and suddenly a tear dripped down his cheek.

I'm the type of person that if I see somebody cry, I want to cry.

He quickly wiped the tear away and grabbed a pair of purple glasses.

"Here. Try these." He said and handed me the glasses. I put them on and my eyes adjusted and they worked.

"They worked! Gah! You're a turtle!" I exclaimed and was a little shocked, being I couldn't see anything, I did not know he was a turtle.

He stood there with a shocked expression, "I thought you knew?!"

"No! I couldn't see anything! But, I think you are brilliant! The way you guys are built! It is absolutely marvelous!" I said and I didn't realize that I was holding his hand. I started blushing and dropped his hand.

He also had a blush on his cheeks. I walked out of the lab after yelling, "Thank you, Donnie!"

After I walked outside of the lab, Donnie slammed it shut. I looked toward it worriedly.

"Whats up with him?" I heard Tia ask. Everybody either said I don't know or just shrugged.

I sat on the couch-type-thingy and hugged my knees to my chest. I was deep in thought and laid my head on my knees.

That is, until I fell asleep...

Donnie's P.O.V.

I was fighting the tears that were pushing their way out. I didn't want anybody to see me like this. They thought I have gotten over her, but man were they wrong.

She was the first girl we have met. I fell immediately in love with her and that love grew more and more every time I saw her, talked to her or hung out with her.

I slammed the lab door, after Lilith left. I clamped my hand over my mouth to stifle the sobs that were threatening to come out. The tears I have held inside for months came pouring out and memories of that day came back...


I was walking down the sewers, finally being brave enough to tell April how I feel.

I got to the manhole cover and ran up to the rooftops. I ran across them until I reached April's apartment.

I was shaking like mad that very moment. I, shakily, brought my hand up and tapped on her window.

It was nine o'clock and April opened her window. She was dressed in a white dress, had a white headband on her head with white heels. If I were anybody who had a say in what she had to wear ANYWHERE I would burn that dress and throw it in the trash. I was the sluttiest and most revealing dress I have ever seen ANYONE wear before.

"April? What the shell are you wearing?!" I asked raising my voice.

"Uh, isn't it obvious. I am wearing a dress." She said like it was obvious, which somebody would thing she was wearing a shirt with no sleeves and was three sizes too small for her, with no pants.

"Why are you wearing," I gestured to her 'dress', "That?!"

"Because, I am going clubbing with Casey. Now if you would leave my place and never come back, that would be delightful." My heart shattered into WAY more than a million peices.

I didn't mean to have my anger boil up, but it did anyways. I said, "Maybe I will. Because I don't want to visit a slut like you anymore!"

I slammed her window shut, it cracking, me seeing her face on the other side looking angry, shocked and sad.

My face dropped, reminiscing on what I said. Burning tears were rimming my eyes. I ran off before she could see me cry.

I ran and ran, having no idea where I was going.

I couldn't run anymore and tripped off the building. I landed in the corner of a dark alley.

I curled up in a ball, bawling my eyes out. I have been sitting there for hours on end before I heard Raph's voice yelling my name.

He ran over to me and pulled me into his arms. His comforting words running through my mind, "Its okay, you deserve way better than her."


I was crying freely now, not caring if anybody could hear me. I heard somebody knock and heard the sweet voice of Hannah come through the door, "Can I come in?"

"Y-Yeah..." I said almost hesitantly. Hannah came in and saw me in the corner. She shut the door and walked over to me, pulling me into her arms, whispering, "It is okay, Donnie. There is no need to cry."

I sniffed and looked up at her with teary eyes, "I-I ju-ust don't kn-know wha-at to do-o."

"Shh, shh. Its okay. Nobody will ever hurt you again." She soothed. I calmed down some and hugged her.

"Thank you..." I said.

She kissed my cheek, "Anytime."

Hannah got up and opened the door to the lab. She flashed me a smile before closing the door.

I was thinking about her smile until I fell asleep...

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