Chapter Ten: Truth, Denseness and Bluntness

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Gokudera's POV

"Ore no baka no Buta-chan(My stupid Piglet)"

Shit. Did I really call her that.

She blinked three times and I waited for five seconds for her to process what I said.

"Who are you calling a pig, huh!" she kicked me in the stomach and I'm gonna admit that it hurt so much. "And don't touch me" she continued

"Ite(ouch), I guess you're not just a pig but also a gorilla" I said to her.

"Say more and I'm going to kill you" I can feel a deadly aura emitting from her. She started walking towards me with her deadly aura.

"Stop it already" Reborn-san cut her off "You're just proving what Gokudera said

She stopped but glared at me. This girl is such a brute, she's even worse than a gorilla.

"Did you forget that I can read your mind" her aura became deadlier and her glare became sharper and she started mumbling curses.

"Cursing won't help Yukiko" she stopped after hearing Reborn-san's voice.

Reborn-san is the only one who can control this girl huh.

"Gokudera-kun, Yukiko-san can't go home tonight. Her clothes are still in the wash and she's wearing my clothes right now" Judaime said.

How could she casually wear Judaime's clothes like that she didn't even.....never mind.

"Yeah, what Tsuna said" she pointed her index finger at me "And I want to stay here. Tsuna treats me better than you"

"Should you really be saying that. You can't even speak Japanese completely" Reborn-san said. "Gokudera, stay here for the night too. You need to start tutoring this idiot"

"I'm not an idiot, Reborn-nii-sama" she protested.

"But I will only be a hindrance for Judaime" I said.

"Reborn, there's only one extra room left" Judaime said. "Where do you expect Gokudera-kun to sleep"

"In the hallway, where else" Yukiko and Reborn-san both said. These two are so alike, it's getting annoying

"Reborn-san, are you serious" I said

"I'm kidding, obviously" but you looked serious just now Reborn-san "I'll have Tsuna place a futon in Yukiko's room"

That's better than sleeping in the hallway at least.
"But Reborn-san, I can't sleep in the same room with a girl" I realized.

"But you live together" Reborn-san smirked. But we didn't do anything Reborn-san.

"Yeah, but I sleept in the couch in the living room last night and she slept on MY bed inside MY bedroom" I glared at Yukiko for making me sleep in the couch last night.

"Then I'll sleep with Tsuna" Yukiko butt in.

Is she serious!? That's the stupidest suggestion

"Yu-yu-yukiko-san, tha-that's umm" Judaime started blushing and stuttering.

"What?" she looked clueless on what she said "You would treat me better than that octopus" she said looking at Judaime

"But that's" Judaime blushed more and turned redder.

"Yukiko, you can't sleep with Tsuna" Reborn-san said "I already sleep in Tsuna's room"

"Fine then" she said with a blank face.

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