Chapter Twelve: Dame-Dino

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Yukiko's POV





The boredom in class is killing me and how dare Sensei to reprimand me on my uniform. He said that girls need to wear a red ribbon as their tie but I don't want to. It's too girly so I always wear Hayato's extra tie. Sensei also said that I should wear the proper sweater vest given by the school but I don't want to so I wear a sleeveless dark violet hoodie instead instead of that frilly vest.

"That's all for this subject today" Sensei arranged his things and started walking out the door.

Finally! Only one more period till lunch break. I can't wait to eat the bento Mama made for us. The dinner and breakfast Mama served us was delicious.

"Hey Hayato. What's the next subject" I faced Hayato who's busy writing down on his notebook. I wonder what is it.

"English" he said not bothering to look at me.

"But isn't English the period after lunch not before lunch" I said.

"There are different schedules for each day here in Japan" he said still not looking at me. Is he mad again?

"What are you doing" I stood up from my seat and stood behind him.

"None of your business" he said. Wow, he's cold today. He really is mad, huh.

"Are you mad at me again" I asked him. He stopped writing and looked at me.

"Why should I be? You didn't do anything wrong" he said then continued writing.

"Then why are you acting so cold" I crossed my arms and raised an eyebrow at him.

"It's nothing. It's just confidential so I can't tell you" he said.

"Everyone please take your seats" Sensei said but his voice his different from our English teacher yesterday.


"Sensei is back"

"You look as dreamy as always sensei"

Those were the words I heard from my female classmates. I ignored them and I didn't bother looking at the sensei the girls are fawning over. I went back to my seat and placed my hand under my chin. I looked at the side where Hayato is not sitting. I think he needs some time off today.

"Looks like we have a new face" I heard footsteps coming near me. Great, I need to introduce my self to this 'DREAMY' sensei.

"May I ask your name" he said.

I faced him and I cetainly know this 'DREAMY' sensei. His face turned pale when I faced him.

"Yukiko" he said. His face getting paler by the second.

"Long time no see. Dame-Dino" I said. I didn't see this useless idiot for a long time. I just got some of my memories back and here comes one of the idiots that I had fun with in the past.

"Hahhhhh" everyone in the class screamed!.

"Yukiko-san, you know Dino-san" Tsuna was surprised and literally screamed while asking me "And you even called him Dame-Dino"

'I thought it was Wimp Dino' he thought.

"Yeah, I helped Reborn for some time in giving Dame-Dino some spartan training. And it is Wimp Dino but I prefer Dame-Dino much better. I'm the only one who calls him that. Maybe sometimes Reborn-nii-sama too." I replied. Good thing I got some memories back or else I would be clueless when he reacts like that.

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