Chapter Eleven: Curiosity

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Yukiko's POV

"Bring it" Hayato took out two of his dynamites ready to fight.

"Hey, don't use weapons. Let's have a hand to hand combat instead" I wouldn't want to destroy Tsuna's house. "We dont want to destroy your precious JUDAIME'S house right"

He threw his dynamites to the side and stood in a fighting stance. I rushed at him and tried to kick him in the face but he was able to dodge it.

"Hm, not bad" I said to him. He was about to attack and I can't wait to have a taste of his attacks but....
"Gokudera, don't attack that idiot and stop initiating fights Yukiko" Reborn-nii-sama came out from nowhere and the octopus stumbled when he was about to attack and tripped. Good thing I avoided him and he landed on the bed.

"Yowai(weak)" I said to my idiotic tutor.

"Looks like Gokudera was able to teach you some words with demonstration" Reborn-nii-sama smirked at him. Ha! Serves you right to be burned by a baby, idiotic tutor of mine.

"Gokudera" he looked at me and smirked. I narrowed my eyes at him. Now what is he planning to do?"Looks like Yukiko is claiming you as her own. She always calls you 'My Tutor' and 'Tutor of mine'"

Hayato rose up from the bed and smirked at me also.

"I didn't know you want me so bad Yukiko-chan" The stupid octopus with his stupid smirk.

"Correction. I said My idiotic tutor and Idiotic tutor of mine. You know" I protested.

"But you still used 'my' and 'mine's Yukiko-chan" He walked towards me with that stupid smirk still on his face. What the hell is wrong with him.

"Don't use the -chan honorific on me and who said I want to be yours. I would rather date Lambo" I spat back. Our faces only a couple of onches away.

"Really" his smirk grew wider

"Really" I said with conviction and I glared at him.

"Hey, stop you two. Your faces are only a couple of inches away. You two might end up kissing" Reborn-nii-sama said.

"Who would want to kiss an octopus like him" I backed away from him and sat back on the chair. Why are these people so out of character this time.


Gokudera's POV

Huh? What time is it and what happened last night?

I got up and saw my self on the bed. No pillow under my head and....

Yukiko is with me on the bed.

What the hell happened last night?

Ah, that's right.

We won't stop arguing and badmouthing each other so Reborn-san hit us both in the head with a mallet and knocked both of us out.

Tch, we weren't able to study again and that idiot didn't do her homework last night. I checked the time and it was only seven o'clock so I did her homework for her. It was only math and it was only five problems. I already finished mine so I can just copy the answers. I took my uniform out and started changing into my uniform. Yukiko is still sound asleep and it looks like she won't be waking up anytime soon. But I forgot that she woke up earlier than me yesterday. I was about to button up my shirt when.....

"Hah! Who do you think you are changing in front of an innocent girl like me!" she just had to wake up. I looked at her and she didn't even look the least bit flustered. "And ewww. I bet Takeshi-san has a better body than you"

"Don't compare me with that baseball idiot" I rushed at her ready to punch her in the face. She dodged but I pinned her down on the bed.

"Gokudera-kun, Yukiko-san, breakfast is ready. Let's go and-" Judaime opened the door and saw me pinning a girl on the bed and what's worse is I forgot that my shirt is still not buttoned. "Ummmm" Judaime was frozen at the door.

"Gokudera, I told you not to attack the idiot" Reborn-san hopped on Judaime's shoulder "I said that to prevent THIS from happening"

This is just a GREAT way to start the day.

Tsuna's POV

"Kaa-san, ittekimasu(I'll be going then)" I said as the three of us walked out the door.

It was really awkward to see THAT AGAIN. Yukiko-san is really a handful.
We got to school ten minutes early and everyone was already there even Chrome and Enma-kun and Shittopi too. Chrome was absent yesterday so I think I need to introduce her to Yukiko-san.

"Ohayo(Good morning)" the three of us, meaning Gokudera-kun, Yukiko-san and I, said in unison.


"Ohayo gozaimasu"


Those were the replies we heard.

"I didn't expect you three to show up at the same time" Yamamoto said.

"It's a long story" I replied

"Boss, who's that" Chrome asked.

"I forgot. You were absent yesterday" I said to Chrome "She's-"

"Mizukawa Yukiko. Call me Yukiko, Chrome Dokuro-san" Yukiko-san cut me off. Right, she read our information in Gokudera-kun's notebook.

Chrome nodded and shook her hand.

"Octopus, I forgot" Yukiko-san looked at Gokudera-kun "Where are my chocolates"

She didn't forget about what Gokudera-kun said last night huh.

"You didn't even do your homework last night. Why should I?" Gokudera-kun said "I said I would give you some if you listened to me properly"

"Ehhhh. But I want to eat it know" she complained and Gokudera-kun walked out. "Hey don't ignore me" she whined even more.

She really is younger than us.

"Hey, it's only a one year gap. I'm only thirteen you know" she said.

But you act like a five year old.

"Hey" she read my mind again. I just sighed at that. This getting really tiring.

Gokudera's POV

I walked out of the room to avoid her whining. I can even hear her voice outside.

Tch. Such a kid.

"Gokudera" I turned and saw Reborn-san, his face being serious.

"What is it Reborn-san" I walked towards him and asked why he called me.

"I want to add something to your assignment" He said

"But Reborn-san. That idiot is really hard to handle and-"

"This one is serious" Reborn-san cut me off and he looked at me with serious eyes.

I gulped at how intimidating he looks right know.

"Don't worry Gokudera. This one is easy" He reassured me. It better be. "You just need to observe Yukiko and take note of these observations"

"Why Reborn-san" I'm starting to get curious and what is Reborn-san's relationship with Yukiko.

"I'll explain some other time" he said then walked out.

What happened. He didn't ask me to do this the other day. Maybe it was about what they were talking about last night.

Curiosity killed the cat so don't get too curious. I said to myself

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