Chapter Nineteen: Bento

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Gokudera's POV

I woke up and saw that Yukiko wasn't on the bed anymore. I looked at the clock and it read 8:47 am.

Tch, only four hours of sleep.

And only thirteen minutes 'till homeroom. Not like I'm not used to it.

After I changed, I went to the kitchen and saw bacon and eggs. Also a bento box. Tch, she must have left her bento again.


"Dakara~,chan yobenai de!(I told you, don't call me chan)" I heard Yukiko's voice.

Isn't it homeroom already? I'm already twenty minutes late.

I opened the door and I saw Yamamoto and Yukiko bickering, Judaime and Kozato laughing and sweat dropping at them while Chrome, Sasagawa and Kurokawa are talking to each other. And Shit P........... is doing her usual alien things outside the window.

"Ohayo Gozaimasu, Judaime" I said to Judaime.

"Ohayo, Gokudera-kun" -Judaime and Kozato

"Yo, Gokudera"-Yamamoto

"Ohayo, Tako"-Yukiko

"The teachers have a faculty meeting so it's free period" Judaime said as I settled my things on my desk.

"Oi, Yukiko! You left your lunch again" I reprimanded her as I showed her the bento box.

"Ha! It's not mine, baka" she said as she stick her tounge out at me.

"Then whose bento is this, huh?!" I said as I glared at her.

"I don't know! Maybe it belongs to a ghost!" she stepped closer and glared back.

We continued our glaring contest and won't break eye contact.

"Hey, you two. Stop being too close, you might end up kissing" one of our male classmates glared at me ONLY.

"Tche, who would want to kiss that woman" I went back to my seat and shoved the bento box in my bag.

Yukiko's POV

"Hm. Yukiko-chan, did you dye your hair?" Kyoko-san asked.

"Now that you mention it. Did you Mizukawa?" Hana-san said.

Chrome-san blushed when I made eye contact with her.

I mentally squeled at her cuteness. Chrome-san is just so cute and timid, even her voice is so cute.

"I didn't" I said "And call me Yukiko, Hana-san"

Hana-san blushed then said fine and stuttered when she said my name.

"Hm. Then how did it turn blonde and your eyes too? Are you wearing contacts?" Kyoko-san continued asking as she tilted her head to the side a little.

Kyaa! Kyoko-san is so cute too. I want to squeeze her right now.

"Ummm" I looked at Tsuna and he gave me an 'I'll deal with it look'.

"It's a bit complicated, Kyoko-chan, Kurokawa-san, Chrome too. I guess we'll explain at lunch so join us later"
Tsuna said as he pulled my arm to Takeshi, Enma-san and Hayato.

"Yukiko-san, what happened to your hair by the way?" Enma-san said.

Hmmmm. I think Enma-san and Tsuna should drop the san. And I'll do the same with Enma.

"Enma, you could drop the san. I'll do the same and Tsuna too, stop using san" I said.

"Then is it all right to call you Yuki-chan" Tsuna said and I flinched at the nickname.

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