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• most plot and characters belongs to Jay Asher's 13reasonswhy and Netflix •

The boy with noticeable brown shiny hair, blue crystal eyes, full lips and uncountable number of freckles in his nose walked in a fast pace with his hands comfortably sitting on the pockets of his light blue letterman jacket.

His mind was averted from his previous thoughts that wondered in his mind as his ears flooded with whispering and chattering.

The shiny brown haired boy was used to this type of behaviour from the people at Liberty High School, especially after the events that took place in that school that would mark the school's history forever, including the people involved.

Chad felt a shiver go up his spine at the mention of the name 'Hannah Baker' which somehow affected the boy.

Hannah Baker was a student at Liberty High School for a long time, she had committed suicide a few weeks ago for unknown reasons.

Beaumont had his theories that kept him awake at night on the reasons that could have driven Hannah to commit suicide, in which he hoped was just him overthinking the problem.

The shiver Chad felt soon disappeared after hitting the hotter temperature inside the Liberty high school.

He looked at the walls, noticing a few differences since he last stepped foot inside the Liberty.


The big letters stated, Chad let out a scoff as his mind counted every single cussing word possible, from 'cunt to jackass'.

Chad thought it was a stupid idea to put those posters up since the damage was already done, he was scared to say anything about it since he didn't want to seem that he cared.

But he did.

He felt a warm feeling after hearing the familiar voice coming from the mouth from a boy, 5'11, brown hair with a lighter shade of brown then Chad's tome of hair, blue eyes just like his and an adorable smile.

A boy in which Chad admired and grew fond of.

He had to since that boy was Justin Foley, Chad's childhood best friend whom he grew up with.

Next to Chad's best friend stood a frowning Jessica Davies, Justin's current girlfriend who had a pretty good relationship with Chad. The pair seemed to be in a heating conversation.

Chad approached the pair, who grabbed their attention by greeting them.

"Good morning." Chad spoke with a forced smile. There was not a lot of people who had a genuine smile on School that week.

"Sup Beaumont." Spoke Foley with his usual annoying mention of Chad's last name but it was his thing as he usually referred to people as their last names.

"Hi Chad." Spoke Jessica with a what seemed to be a genuine smile. She approached the boy with the shiny hair and unbuttoned the button closest to my collar, leaving me with more skin to show.

"There you go." Jessica spoke with a smirk as Justin's jealousy peaked up, looking between the two.

"Ready to go to class?" Justin spoke while rolling his eyes, almost gagging at the thought of having to go to class while he could stay and hang out with his friends.

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