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Days had passed by and Chad had continued to have the positive attitude that made his parents sigh in relief, glad that he was no longer locked in his room watching whatever nonsense is in the TV these days.

Chad instead decided to keep studying so that he would pass english, hes struggling subject and with the help of his new friend Tony he thought he would be just fine.

Chad and Tony grew closer as friends and hanged out almost everyday, making it hard to dedicate a whole hour every day after school only because of english, since they had the urge to talk about other topics other then English such as their opinions on the politics or getting to know each other more (if that was even possible).

However, there was someone who was waiting on Chad's replies and it was hundredths of them. Justin Foley, who kept texting his best friend and waiting for a response while he had his own problems.

And even though Chad pretended and tried to stop thinking about Justin, he somehow couldn't, Justin Foley was a big part of his life, most part of his life but he just tried to ignore it.

Thinking that, somehow if you ignore the problem it would go away, and for Chad that hasn't happened yet but he was glad he had things that kept his mind away from his best friend problems, at least throughout the day since at night his phone would be full of notifications that belonged to Justin Foley.

And now Chad sat in a not so comfortable chair at Monet's waiting for Tony while studying harder, trying to achieve his best in the subject.

"How can I help?" A girl with blonde tied back hair, while two streaks of blonde hair fell down her cheeks with dark red lipstick and a black shirt who Chad remembered from school asked the boy who looked up from his file of books.

"Oh - uh cappuccino please." the boy smiled at her as she returned a slight smile before walking away towards another costumer who was dramatically calling her over while Chad was giving his order.

Chad went back to reading his book abour writing characters and creating a main plot, which he found very interesting.

'A character needs to have a backstory, as without it the character becomes dull and totally useless, even the background characters need a story as writing dialogue for the said character would never be as easy as to writing dialogue for a character with a full written background story-'

Chad stopped reading as the bell rang, signalising that someone had entered Monet's, he looked up from the interesting book, which was already in page 13, and saw the already familiar face looking down at him and smiling as he went to sit beside the other boy who returned a smile.

"Hello there." Tony said as he peaked to the book in front of Chad, slighty impressed and extremely proud of himself. "Reading a book about creating characters and the beauty of plots?" Tony questioned as Chad nodded with a smirk plastered on his freckled face. "Like it so far?"

"It is very interesting, I give you that. I never had thought about how important it was to create characters with full background characters - even though we might never mention it." Chad spoke sounding wiser then ever before about the subject.

"Well - I feel accomplished. I finally got to make Chad Beaumont read a book about English literature and actually be interested in it." Tony said with a chuckle.

"You should be because I actually surprised myself and it's all because of you so thank you." Chad said locking eyes with the tanned boy for a few seconds before it being broken by the same girl with blonde streaks falling down her cheeks, bringing the cappuccino over.

'hem hem' The girl let out breaking the lock as both boys looked up. Chad remembering his order, while still thinking about the unexplained feeling that he just had.

"Thank you." Chad said as the girl put the full cappuccino down in the table in front of the boy, after that looking towards Tony asking him if he would like anything.

"Same as him, please. Thanks Skye." Tony said smiling at the girl as she walked away.

"You know her, ey?" Chad questioned the boy before taking a sip of his cappuccino.

"I know a lot of people from our school, some unintentionally but others because their actually nice people. You do know that she is in one of your classes right?" Tony asked.

"She is?" Chad asked while looking at the girl who had been serving him, noticing how familiar she actually is.

"You need to open your eyes more." Tony chuckled.

"They are opened, they just weren't opened a few days ago." Chad said, regretting it right away as those words reminded him of his journey and made him reflect on how actually blind he was that he only looked at himself and his stupid group of friends while taking a sip of his cappuccino silently, almost not noticing that Skye had already brought Tony's cappuccino to the table.

Chad sat in his living room, still reading the same book while watching whatever was on the TV on a saturday night, he was home alone since his parents weren't coming home until late due to their jobs, he took a bite of his pepperoni pizza after he heard a knock on the door.

'Who could it be?'

Chad quickly left his seat and skipped towards the door, seeing the figure already waiting behind the door, seeming to be in a bit of a stress while Chad was swallowed the piece of pizza still in his mouth.

He quickly opened the door to see a very familiar face, although looking a bit different then usual.

Justin Foley stood at the door, with his eyes blood red as if he had been crying for hours for yet unknown reasons, noticing as there were some left over tears still dripping down the boys' pale cheek.

Without knowing what to do, Chad decided to put all his pride aside, pulling the friend in for a hug as Foley continued to cry in his best friend's arms, in that moment forgetting about what Foley had put the boy through.

Author's note:

I'mmm soo sorry for not posting, my internet had a few problems but it is better now.

What did you think about the chapter? I hope you loved it as much as I loved writing it.

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