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Throughout the whole of Saturday, Chad's skin tingled as he waited anxiously that the day passed, he didn't know what was happening but he felt good around Tony, he felt like he mattered, something that Justin used to do.

But at the same time, he kept texting Tony throughout the whole day, getting to know each other even more making Chad's parents happy that Chad was back from his depressive state and he even became more interactive with his parents.

Today was Sunday, the day Chad was going to lunch with Tony at 13:00 and Chad was in front of his wardrobe debating wether he should wear casual or normal clothes.

"Is it supposed to be casual? Should I ask?" Chad thought out loud. "Nah, he's going to think I'm giving too much thought into it." Chad started to pace around the room. "It's obviously not a date." Chad let out in a lower voice.

'fuck it, I'm going with normal wear, hopefully he doesn't wear casual, why would he?' Chad thought while picking out normal clothes.

After he was finally finished he walked out with everything that was necessary including money and phone. He walked towards the living room where his parents were currently sitting watching Big Brother.

"Guys, I'm going." Chad said grabbing his parents attention who were cosy in the sofa, arms around each other, looking like couple goals.

"Oh - okay sweetie, have fun." His mother spoke looking up and smiling at him.

"Stay safe kiddo." His dad spoke in a more serious note as Chad nodded at both of them before shouting an 'I love you' and scaring his mom as he always does but receive an 'I love you' back.

Chad finally arrived at the dinner place and saw that Tony was already sitting down in a table for two, Chad walked up to him finally grabbing his attention as Tony looked up from his phone.

Letting out a sigh, noticing that Tony brought a normal day wear. That would've been awkward. 

"Good afternoon." Chad said before placing his phone on the table and taking a seat while Tony smiled at him, putting his book down.

Chad looked at the book and quickly fell serious. "Nuh - uh don't tell me we're going to do this English thing?" Chad asked making Tony chuckle while shaking his head.

"Good." Chad said joining him on the chuckling before a waiter walked to their table and asked if they were able to eat.

"Yeah, uhm I would like Spaghetti Bolognese, please." Chad asked politely as the waiter noted it down on his small piece of paper.

"You, sir?" The waiter asked politely towards Tony.

"I'd like chicken, salad and rice please." Tony said and Chad looked at Tony and mouthed 'are you serious?' making the other boy look down and try to stop laughing imagining what is going to leave Chad's mouth.

The waiter was out of view after they also added what they wanted to drink.

"Chicken, Salad and rice? You're just the basic today's boy aren't you?" Chad asked.

"Actually I think I'm very original, thank you very much." Tony asked with a smirk as Chad let out a smiley sigh.

"I've been thinking and I want you to come with me to my favourite place in the planet." Tony said grabbing Chad's attention.

"Is it?" Chad asked, Tony answering with a nod. "Why?" Chad asked.

"Because if you actually want to know me and pass into the friend zone then you need to know this about me." Tony said causing a turbulence on the other boy's mind.

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