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After Chad tried to tell the principle how everything was fine, he finally gave up and accepted the fact that he would spend an hour each day after school with the boy he had tried to avoid all along, for Chad it was a hard thing to swallow.

"I will inform him and he will be there tomorrow evening at the Library." The principle spoke with enthusiasm, thinking it will be a great restart for the student.

Chad opened his mouth ready to oppose but was hushed before the first word came out of his mouth as the man gently pushed the boy out the door, almost forgetting his bag that was at his feet.

Chad walked with his bag in his hands, almost walking like a zombie from a zombie show, thinking about ways he could get out of this situation.

Along the way he passed through Jessica who caught his attention.

"Hey Chad!" Jessica said as Chad unwillingly turned to her, noticing her eyes looked like they wanted to jump out of her body.

"Hey Jess." Chad said politely putting his track to a stop.

"How have you been?" Jessica asked looking around, her eyes had a blood red around the white surface and they looked as if they hadn't slept in a long while.

"Uh - average." Chad said wondering wether or not to ask if she had slept but felt as if it was too rude.

"That's - cool, I guess?" She said letting out a giggle along with it. "Look, have you seen Justin?" She said and her eyes kept looking around as if she was hiding from someone.

"Why does it look like I have to know everything about Justin?" Chad said, saying it in a more angrier tone then he intended.

"I - I know how you guys are close." Jessica said and this time she only looked down, not expecting the tone of voice from the kid who was always so nice to everyone.

"Well - I don't know if we are all that close anymore." Chad said, placing his bag on his left arm and walking away muttering a 'see you Jess' to the girl who was clearly on some type of unknown usage even though it is there for anyone to see.

Chad followed not making any conversation or eye contact with anyone until his next class.


The whole day of school had gone by and it was horrible just as Chad expected. He was as unbothered as anyone can be and not even lunch times made him excited since he hide himself on the toilet, not wanting to give an explanation to his friends.

On that lunch time Chad had got a call from the person he was most frightened to see, Justin, but he obviously didn't answer, again unbothered.

It was now the next day, a new day. A day who's sun didn't shine and instead the wind ruled the town, making Chad relate more with the weather then he ever had done before and for the first time in a while, Chad didn't want to move from his comfortable bed, he hadn't previously noticed how comfortable his bed actually was until now.

Chad finally got ready for school, remembering that today he was going to have the first 'extra lesson' with Tony. He had thought about every single method he could use so that he could miss that extra class such as, maybe he had a doctor's appointment or he wasn't feeling so well.

He decided that maybe he was going to go with the last idea, hoping that Tony had a soft heart as he has shown to have.


The day had gone quick and fast, there were no highlights in Chad's day and instead spent the whole day trying to stay out of Justin's eyesight (or anyone who he knew in that matter.)

Chad made his way to the library, debating in his mind wether or not to use the excuse that he wasn't feeling well but he still entered the library, as soon as his feet hit the library's floor he looked around for the familiar student.

His eyes finally found the tanned, built smaller student who seemed to be focused on the massive book in front of him.

Chad walked towards the round table in which Tony was sitting at, trying to make the less notice that he was there, obviously not succeeded as Tony quickly looked up from his reading up to Chad giving him a small smile.

Fuck my life.

"Hey." The older boy spoke as Chad took a seat as far away from Tony as table-y possible.

"Hi." Chad mumbled, obviously backing out from his idea to get away from this extra hour where he could be cosy in his bed.

"So, I guess I'm your new teacher, ey?" Tony said clapping his hands slowly as the awkward silence ruled over the table. "Yeah, okay - so I guess we will start with English?"

"Sure." Chad said, this time he seemed more enthusiastic but still not as Tony remembered.

"Wanna get closer, maybe - just - it would be easier -" Tony said, jumping over a few words as Chad rolled his eyes, picking up his chair and pushing it closer to Tony. "That's better." Tony said with a smile as he looked back at the book in front of them.

"So, I'm guessing you're learning a more harder topic in English like Poems and drafting a story from start, middle and finish." Tony said getting Chad's attention.

"How do you know that?" Chad asked, looking sideways to Tony.

"Well - I don't stalk you or anything, don't worry." Tony giggled at his own words. "It's just that you know - I've been 17 once and I've learned that so I just - assumed." Tony said, again tripping over his words.

"I know, I was just kidding." Chad said with a smirk.

"Oh haha." Tony said faking a laugh letting a sigh afterwards. "So - tell me what you would like to do your story on?" Tony asked.

"Well - I'm not sure?" Chad asked.

"Well, my tip would be to pick a genre first and then create a basic plot line, it would help if you had some experience with what you were writing." Tony said as Chad kept his eyes on the yellow-ish table.

"Oh - I get it." Chad said finally standing with his back straight with his face lit up.

"You do?" Tony asked surprised as Chad's face fell.

"You know what - I'm leaving." Chad said causing even more confusion on Tony's head. "I'm tired of people underestimating me - in everything!" Chad said finally making eye contact with Tony.

"I didn't -" Tony said but before he could say anything else in his defence, the boy with the crystal eyes was out of the door.

Tony sat down in his chair as if his body was limp, letting out a sigh of surrender.

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