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And quickly the next day stepped in, the weather had made a dramatic change from wind to the beautiful sun 'smiling' down at the town, it was a brand new day and everything seemed to have changed since the day before, except Chad.

The guilt kept jumping to his mind for being so dramatic in front of Tony, he didn't know what had happened, but gladly on a positive side today was Friday.

Just one more day and then two free days for you to sob in your bedroom by yourself.

He thought, but he still had to go on through the day and that seemed to be such a tiring thing in the last few days.

"Hi sweetie." Chad's mother walked in getting a few dropped clothes from the floor, not complaining much for a change.

"Morning mom." Chad said rubbing his eyes and slowly getting up quickly walking towards the toilet right next to his room, giving his mother a smile as he was passing her.

Chad started his day by brushing his teeth, then getting quickly interrupted by his mother, leaning against the door as she looks intensely at her son, still with a smirk on her face as a piece of clothing layed in her shoulder.

"What?" Chad spoke with difficulty as the toothpaste was still in his mouth.

"Your principle sent me a message saying the following, 'Dear Mrs Beaumont, I am here to inform you that your son will be having an extra lesson everyday until he shows that he has improved in his lessons, this is because your son recently has shown very poor focus on his lessons and it is worrying the teachers. Thank you for your time.' Care to explain?" Chad's mother asked as her smirk turned into a angry frown.

"Mom, I'm brushing my teeth." Chad said, still brushing his teeth carefully.

"I don't care, your teeth can wait a second or two. What is this about? You have always been such a good boy in school, Chad what's going on?" Chad's mom asked, this time her toned changed completely into a worried and soothing tone.

"It's nothing, mom." Chad said, finally finishing to brush his teeth, smiling at the mirror to check that his teeth were to the perfection.

"Bullshit!" Helena Beaumont said with a much higher tone of voice, grabbing Chad's attention instantly.

"I'm not bringing my drama into my life." Chad said skipping through his mom.

"Your drama is my drama, sweetheart, you can tell me anything!" His mom said, walking around following her son as he picked up the clothes to go have a quick shower.

"Not now, mom. Please." Chad begged his mom as she muttered 'okay' loud enough for him to hear before she was out the door and Chad was soon enough taking a warm shower, with worrying thoughts in his head.

Chad walked into the school, seeing Clay stare at Hannah's locker totally broke the boy's heart, they made eye contact but Chad quickly looked away after giving the boy a small smile before continuing his tracks, the guilt was still there.

Keeping his head down, Chad didn't notice that his friends (including Justin Foley) were at the lockers, but it was too late to run away as Bryce and the company had already noticed the petite boy.

"Beaumont! It's been so long, what's cracking?" Bryce asked catching Chad off guard.

Your head.

"Nothing." Chad said, before him and Justin make eye contact, noticing that Justin did not look very pleased but also did not look very angry either. It was a mix of emotions shown on a boys face.

"Anyways, whatever - problem you're having. It's good to have you back, man. Oh and coach has really been asking for you." Zach said reminding Chad that he had dodged the last few practices and he probably has it coming to him. The coach will not be pleased.

"Oh yeah - practice, I have to go talk to the coach real quick, give in the last piece of print. See you guys later." Bryce said before slapping Chad's back with a smile and running off.

"Oh - have you - finished the tapes?" Zach asked, lowering his voice at the mention of the tapes as Chad nods slowly, not noticing that Justin's face fell at that moment for some unknown reason.

"I've passed it on to Sherri." Chad said as Justin finally decided to speak up.

"It's already in Clay's hands." Justin said, looking around to see if anyone is there listening to anyone, especially Clay himself.

"How do you know?" Alex asked quietly from the corner.

"Sherri talked to Jess about it." Justin answered. "We have to do something about this!"

"What?" Alex asked. "What are you going to do? Kidnap him, put him in your basement and keep him there for the rest of his life just so he doesn't tell the truth?" Alex asked getting in Justin's face.

"Hannah's lies." Zach said.

"We're not doing anything, we can't." Chad finally spoke up, not mentioning the lies since he found it weird that his tape was true but the other's tapes were somehow a lie according to them.

But Chad didn't have much time to think about it since had practice next.

Chad was in the changing room along with his friends, talking about girls as usual.

Chad quickly noticed that the boy with the pale blonde hair wasn't as he was before, he has become more quiet and more emotionless. Quite worrying for Chad since Alex was one of his friends where he actually enjoyed talking to.

"How was your week, Alex?" Chad asked the blonde.

"Good enough. Another week, all the same." The blonde said not making eye contact as he left the changing room after being all ready, leaving him and Justin all alone.

The awkward silence was apparent and unusual but both boys knew why that was happening and it was as if they each were waiting for the other one to make the first move to start a conversation.

"Are you okay?" Justin asked as Chad put his clothes on his permanent changing room locker.

"Do you care?" Chad asked turning to his best friend.

"Of course I do. You just have been weird lately." Justin said.

"I have my reasons." Chad said before he was out of the changing room to join to other boys leaving Justin to his own thoughts.

New schedule for posting chapters ' every monday, tuesday and wednesday and I promise I will try to stick with that.

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Love you readers and keep safe :*

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