Chapter 4

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March 30, 2014

This chapter is dedicated to @ilovesteak for commenting and liking on every chapter literally every ten seconds. You are freaking awesome! This one's for you.

Jenna on the side

Reagan took a deep breath, knocking lightly on the big mahogany door. Nathaniel quickly rushed over, opening it just enough for her to slip in.

Their skin rubbed against each others, earning a strained moan from Reagan. Anything he did sent her body into a frenzy. Thankfully, it was low enough for Nathaniel not to pick up on it. She cleared her throat, making her way to one of the two identical brown chairs that faced his charcoal black desk.

It was silent between them, the both of them not knowing exactly how to bring up the other day. "Sorry about yesterday," they both said at the same time. Chuckling, "you go first," they both said again. Nathaniel playfully glared at Reagan, "stop it," they both said again.

Reagan stifled a giggle, "okay, okay. I'll go first. If i said or did anything inappropriate in any way, i'm sorry. I guess i just got sort of carried away," she looked down at her lap, fiddling with her fingers.

How cute, he thought. She was nervous.

"No, it's fine. I assure you, I wasn't offended," he mumbled the last part, embarrassed at what he just admitted.

"Well," Reagan started, eager to leave the awkward conversation, "now that we've got that sorted out, I have problem". She lifted her head up, capturing Nathaniel's attention. "There's way too many buttons on that phone in my office. Can't we label the buttons or something," Reagan asked growing frustrated, remembering the five people she had hung up on earlier today0, mind you, accidentally.

Nathaniel couldn't help but smile at how adorable she was, "sure, why not. We could get this sorted out now if you'd like to," he insisted, standing up from his ridiculously enormous chair.

She simply nodded, standing up along with him, "after you, Ms Summers," he gestured toward the door. Reagan complied while Nathaniel stood back, enjoying the view of her nice perky behind, licking his suddenly dry lips.

Maybe he needed to invest in some chap stick, his lips were always dry around her.

Strange, he thought.


"...So, this button is for Mr Taylor's office, but you'll rarely ever need to use it. He likes to do things himself," Nathaniel explained, pointing mindlessly all over the extremely complicated device as he droned on. Now he understood what she meant, it was a wonder how he managed to memorize everything.

Reagan just kept nodding every now and then, half of what he said just seemed like gibberish to her. Plain nonsense. A phone should never have to be that confusing. Even her Galaxy S5 wasn't much of a hassle. She wasn't much for Apple phones, too small was her only problem. But, damn did it have a good camera.

"Ms Summers," Nathaniel chimed in, breaking her out of her thoughts. She looked up at him, humming in response. "Did you hear anything i just said," she blushed, being caught not paying attention.

She mumbled a profanity under her breath. She used to be so good at spacing out in grade school. What happened in that small space of time, was what she wondered.

"You're doing it again, you know," Nathaniel said, amused at her behavior.

"Sorry, it's just a little too much to take in, but i can grow accustom to it eventually," she reassured at the end. "And, call me Reagan, Ms Summers is way too formal for me," she smiled gently, earning a one in return from him.

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