Chapter 12

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July 18, 2014

Reagan typed on her Mac Book computer as she talked to a client. "Yes, I understand that, Ms Simmons, but you need to realize that this is a Prima Facie type of case. If you're not guilty, which we all know you're not, then you have nothing to worry about when the trial comes," Reagan assured.

She nodded as she continued typing, sending the document to Sandra Daniels, a fellow co-worker. Nathaniel walked by, stopped in front of her.

He cleared his throat to get her attention, she glanced up, rolled her eyes and went back to work. Nathaniel sighed, "step into my office, please".

Reagan kept her eyes on her work, "I'm busy".

"I am your boss. Make time," he said, walking away.

She huffed, but stood up anyway, trailing behind him to his office. Reagan walked in, shutting the door loudly behind her making him jump from his chair. He cleared his throat, adjusting his tie, motioning toward a leather chair in front of him. "Please, sit".

Reagan stubbornly shook her head no," I'm fine standing," was her reply.

Nathaniel stood up, walking around his charcoal black desk, stopping right in front of Reagan. "This has gone on long enough, Reagan. It's been weeks, three to be exact. I am sorry," he emphasized every word on the last part, making her even more irritated with him.

She scoffed, laughing humorlessly, "you keep saying that, it's all you've said to me-".

"Because I am," he yelled, cutting her off, already not liking the way their conversation was headed.

"Then, act like it, God damn it," she pulled her curls in frustration, stomping her foot on the carpeted floors.

"I am acting like it! But, I can't be forgiven if you don't forgive," Nathaniel's patience was waring thin, hanging on by a mere thread, he felt as if he were being attacked, cornered. He didn't like that feeling at all, not one bit.

Reagan's cheeks grew hot, not with embarrassment, but with anger. She was livid at this point. "Are you blaming me for your forgetfulness," she asked, clenching her fists.

Nathaniel shook his head, "quit putting words in my mouth, I never said that, none of it". At this moment, he felt like pulling his hair out, he rubbed his temple, feeling a headache coming on. "You act like I was the only one there, pinning all of this on me, share the blame," he mumbled, not realizing she'd heard him.

"Excuse me," she shrieked, putting her hands on her hips.

"It's just as much your fault as it is mine," he defended.

She laughed, "oh, please, last time I checked, I don not have your type of equipment. I don't wear it, you do," she sassed, shifting her weight on her right leg.

"You should have known if I wore one or not".

Her vision become blurry with tears, but she refused to let them fall, she'd been so emotional lately. "I didn't know what to feel, Nate. Excuse me if I did not realize it, but you have no right to pin this on me," she blew out a breath, making a strand of hair shift to the side.

"I want you to think, think about how I felt. Put yourself in my shoes, in my position, that's all I ask, Nathaniel". Reagan honestly was not that angry to begin with, but this conversation just made her blood boil.

"You don't understand-".

"No, you don't understand, Nathan," she seethed, continuing. "You were my first everything," Reagan choked out. "My first kiss, my first boyfriend, my first time," she sniffled, feeling hot tears run down her face. "First love," she whispered.

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