Chapter 23

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November 24, 2014 ( Reagan is 22 weeks and Alana is 21 weeks and 6 days)

A picture of Nathaniel of the side because i felt like it and I've been drooling over it for an hour. Lawd! Dem cheekbones tho.♡

Nathaniel woke up this morning with a smile on his face, something he's been doing for the past two weeks. Things with Reagan seemed to be looking up. That night when they felt their little Jelly Bean move for the first time, they slept in the same room.

Granted, it was only a one time thing and nothing else happened during that night, but it was something-one step closer, i guess. He sighed blissfully, pulling on some black sweatpants, leaving his upper body bare as always.

He yawned, stretching briefly before he broke out in a jog out of the bedroom, eventually slowing down to a merry skip. You could say he was in a good mood; the only mood he's really known for a while. In fact, he was so happy, he did something stupid the other day.

The dumb ass bought an engagement ring.

Walking into the kitchen, Nathaniel reached for the top of the refrigerator, grabbing the Fruit Loops cereal, also known as his genius hiding spot. Bringing it down, he pulled out the small, dark box, grinning. One day, he'd give it to her.

"What are you doing," Reagan asked from behind him, causing him to jump in surprise, dropping the box as well as the cereal, spilling out some of the contents.

Nathaniel turned to face her, pouting, pointing to the mess on the floor. "Look what you made me do," he whined, using his foot to kick the box under the refrigerator. He would get it later.

Reagan shrugged, "my bad," she scrunched up her nose at his cereal choice, "Fruit Loops are disgusting anyway". Nathaniel gasped dramatically, putting a hand on his heart, a fake look of hurt crossing his features.

She rolled her eyes at him. With a hand on her belly, Reagan shooed him aside. "You can't just block the fridge like that," opening it, bringing out a half empty carton of Silk Soy Milk.

While getting her breakfast ready, Nathaniel got to work with a broom and packer, sweeping up the mess he'd created. He threw all the rubbish away in the dust bin, a shiny object catching his attention at the corner of his eye.

He gulped nervously, realizing the box had somehow slid open, peeking out from under the refrigerator. The ring was no longer in its hold, but now on the floor, in plain sight.

"Are you okay," a concerned Reagan asked him, a box of Cocoa Pebbles {AN: ^-^} now by her side.

"Huh," Nathaniel confusingly asked, snapping out of his stupor. He looked up, smiling reassuringly, "I'm fine".

Reagan nodded, eyeing him suspiciously, not believing him. "So," she asked, swallowing a spoonful of cereal, "any plans for today," Nathaniel shook his head in reply.

"Not really," he told her, slyly crawling over to the refrigerator, his hand now laying over the beautiful tanzanite wedding ring. Nathaniel grinned nervously, picking up the matted black box, shoving it inside his sweatpants pocket as well as the ring.

Nathaniel abruptly stood, stiff and straight, catching Reagan's attention. With a monotonous voice, he said, "i need to potty".

With a slightly disgusted expression, and a newly vanished appetite, Reagan responded with an okay. He scampered off, wrapping his hands over his bum for added effect.

Reagan rolled her eyes, now alone, the recurring thoughts swarmed her.


That was the one word Reagan has been using to describe herself. She should have stopped it, pushed him away, slapped him even. But, disappointingly, she did none of the above.

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