Chapter 7

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May 6, 2014

"Dude, you really need to step up your game".

Those were the same words every one has been telling Nathaniel for the past three weeks.

"You need to do more than dry-hump her every chance you get".

He saw no problem with it. And, it seemed as if Reagan didn't mind either, that is until she came back to her senses. At that point, all the fun was gone, bringing her back to her innocent default setting.

"Have you even taken her out yet?"

At that question, he sheepishly shook his head at his friends, and of course, Andrew.

"Wow. Just wow".

"How the hell have you been with her for a whole month and not gone on a single date with her at least once?"

Nathaniel shrugged, not really having answer for that. He truly didn't know why.

Maybe he was afraid.

But, for what exactly?

I mean, true the pair weren't official. Verbally, that is. It seemed they didn't need to say it out loud for Reagan to know that she was his, and he, hers.

That much seemed obvious to him.

But, was it obvious to her?

So many questions were consuming his thoughts, all of them, revolving around Reagan. Not that it bothered him.

"Wonderful. He's not even listening to us, guys".

Nathaniel sat up from his comfortable bed, still a little grumpy about being woken up. "I'm awake," he mumbled sleepily. "So, since you all are bent on the idea that you're some type of relationship guru," he yawned, continuing. "Enlighten me". He rubbed his eyes in hopes of somehow removing the sleep from them.

One by one, a grin made it's way on their faces. Cameron stepped forward, sitting down beside him. "Gee, thought you'd never ask, Nathan," he ruffled up Nathaniel's hair in a playful manner, earning a slap on his wrist.

He grumbled, "don't touch my hair," running his fingers through it in a weak attempt to fix it. But, really, nothing could mess up those perfect locks of auburn hair.

Cameron rolled his eyes, "whatever. Do you want our help or not," he asked, seeming a little impatient.

"Of course".

"Then, act like it," his voice, not quite like yelling, but a very close second. Kingsley glanced at him nervously from the corner of his eye, knowing why he was getting so mad over the tiniest things.

Kingsley stepped up as well, grabbing his hand, pulling Cameron to his feet. "You need to cool down, baby," he whispered in his ear, silently praying that no one else heard him. Cameron nodded numbly, allowing him to take him out of the room.

They left moments later, an uncomfortable silence replacing the once light atmosphere of Nathaniel's bedroom.

Wren was the first to talk, "those two need to come out already. It's annoying, and kind of upsetting that they don't trust us enough to tell the truth".

The three nodded in agreement, hating how they snuck around, thinking their friends would think less of them. But, none of them were homophobic. Not even close.

I mean, doesn't everyone secretly wish for a gay best friend?

Andrew clapped his hands together, getting their attention. "So, a date, huh," he asked. He looked back and forth between them, "any ideas," Wren raised his hand awkwardly. "Yes, the young man in the gray hoodie".

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