Chapter 24

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December 8, 2014 ( Reagan is 24 weeks, Alana is 23 weeks and 6 days)

Dedicated to @MariahAugustus for eating an Oreo even though she doesn't like them. You're brave, oh.

Andrew's girlfriend and daughters on the side. ♡

"Pinch me," were the first two words that Reagan heard when she woke up. She inwardly rolled her eyes, doing as Nathaniel asked of her with her eyes still closed, tired. "Ow," he winced, making her open one eye slowly.

"Sorry," she whispered.

He shrugged, grinning, "it's okay," pulling her closer, sighing in content. "I just needed-"

"To know if this was real, i know," she giggled, "you've been making me do it every day since then". Nathaniel kissed her forehead, one hand rubbing soothing circles on her bump. But, their sweet moment was interrupted by a loud crash that emitted from downstairs.

The abrupt noise startled them both, making them jump a little. Nathaniel slowly untangled himself from Reagan, gulping dramatically, "i'll go check it out, stay here, baby girl".

Reagan rolled on her other side, facing him, "you're one of those people that'd die first in a horror movie, being all Curious George. And, i'd stay here safely, running all the way into the sequel". He chuckled, shaking his head at her.

"Well, then. You'll die in the sequel, anyway, trying to escape," he told her, sticking his tongue out childishly. Then, the smoke alarm went off, suddenly reminding him of the urgent matter at hand. He ran out the room, Reagan hot on his heels, just as frightened as him.

Nathaniel jumped down the last three steps, barely catching himself as he slightly slipped a little, but that was the least of his problems right now. He heard coughing coming from the kitchen, stepping closer until he could make out a figure through the smoke.

The unknown person fanned in front of his face, coughing twice before showing off a lop-sided grin. Shoving a plate of burnt eggs in Nathaniel's chest, "i made breakfast," Andrew told his brother happily.

Nathaniel let out a sigh of relief, glad it wasn't anything threatening like he thought. Nevertheless, he still couldn't resist the urge to hit him upside the head. "Andrew, you idiot," he scolded, surprisingly with another voice added to the mix, female to be specific.

The blonde haired, blue eyed woman came from behind them with her arms crossed, eyes set in a playful glare. "How many times have i told you not to be in the kitchen without adult supervision," she questioned, feigning anger.

Andrew visibly shrunk, pouting, "but-"

"Nope, no buts. We were suppose to surprise them, not burn their house down". The two continued bickering back and forth while Reagan and Nathaniel tried, but failed, to contain their laughter. Andrew and the girl stopped at the noise, remembering only now that they weren't alone.

"Oh," the girl turned to Reagan with a warm smile, "i'm Mia, by the way, it's nice to finally meet you". And, with that name, the gears started turning in her head. Reagan'd heard it before.

She looked between Andrew and Mia, snapping her fingers together in realization, "you're Andrew's girlfriend".

Mia nodded in response, a dramatic sigh leaving her lips, "sadly".

Andrew glared, stomping his feet on the ground childishly, "is it because i can't cook," he questioned, "because all i need to know is the Papa John's phone number". He then went over to her, "plus," wrapping his arm around her shoulder, "you can cook, so i don't need to," he cheered.

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