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May 21, 2020

Major writers block, man. I had all their stories, but it was just a jumbled up mess, and it took forever to put it in such a way that would actually make sense.

Dedicated to @AnInspirationalSmile because she just started reading this book. And, if you see this, i really hope you enjoy my book. :)

Their kids on the side (new editions only). ♡♥

Andrew opened the door with a wide grin on his face, practically slamming it against the wall. "Hello peasants," he greeted with a dumb little posh accent.

His wife, Mia, rolled her eyes fondly from behind him, lightly shoving him out the way considering the five month old baby boy in his arms. Mia walked inside the house with a pep in her step; she was glowing.

Andrew finally got what he's always wanted for Christmas. On the exact day, December 25, 2019, they welcomed their third edition to the family; little Jaxon Mathew Adams.

And, if you looked closely enough, you could see the slightest of bumps forming under her frilly purple tee shirt. They heard a small clatter in the kitchen and muffled conversations.

Reagan came out shortly after with her three year old daughter, Nevaeh, in tow. The both of them were covered head to toe in flour, although, Nevaeh way more than Reagan.

Nevaeh shook her golden brown curls from side to side to rid it of the white dust, an innocent smile on her face as she ran to her uncle Andrew. He handed his son, Jaxon, to Mia and picked the little girl up in his arms.

She honestly looked like a mixture of Reagan and Nathaniel's parents rather than themselves. The golden brown hair from Nathaniel's father, Jared. And, the indescribably beautiful green eyes from Reagan's father, Clyde.

"Me and mommy made cookies," she managed to say through giggles as he tickled her sides. {AN: I don't fuck with baby talk.}

Andrew took a deep breath in, playing along, "and, they smell amazing," he exclaimed. "I bet you're going to be some world famous baker one day, angel".

"You guys weren't due to come for another hour or so," Nathaniel suddenly chimed in, walking down the stairs, his hair still damp from his shower.

Shrugging, Andrew said, "your casa, my casa".

"Better get that idea out your head," Nathaniel murmured and turned to his wife, giving her a quick peck. "I just put Kai down for a nap, he was really tired after playing outside all day".

Nodding, Reagan looked around with a confused look, "where's Macie and Addie," she asked while trying to dust off some of the flour from her body. It was starting to feel really uncomfortable.

Andrew started to do the same to Nevaeh, chuckling lightly whenever she'd scrunch her nose cutely at the feeling. "They're still in the car watching some new movie, Addie refused to leave the car until it was finished. And, when Addie says no, Macie says no," Andrew shook his head as he spoke.

Jaxon started fussing in Mia's arms, making her leave to the palor to feed him. Andrew gave Nevaeh to Nathaniel, following his wife. "I think you need a bath, angel," Nathaniel said in a childish tone, making her smile.

He hoisted her up in his arms, playfully throwing her over his shoulder as he ran upstairs, her cute giggles echoed in the corridor.

Nathaniel really didn't listen. Not even a whole year after Malakai's birth, Nevaeh was born. She was a very huge and unexpected surprise, but nevertheless, loved to pieces.

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