Chapter 11*

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June 27, 2014

Nathaniel's outfit on the side. ♡

Warning: slightly sexual content.





Nathaniel stared at the ceiling, calling himself all sorts of names at his complete and utter stupidity. How could he possibly forget? Never had he forgotten to wrap it up with his flings. But, with Reagan?

He looked down to her peaceful sleeping figure, stroking her hair, he kissed her temple, slipping out of bed as discreetly as possible. Nathaniel groaned as he shrugged on a random pair of boxers from his luggage.

Snatching his cell phone from the dresser, he glared at the night stand before he left. Nathaniel walked outside barefoot, sitting on the porch stairs. He quickly dialed Wren's number, praying he'd pick up and hopefully calm him down from his mental freak out.

Wren looked at the name that flashed onto the bright screen. This was not exactly how he liked to be woken up. He rubbed his eyes, rolling his eyes when he saw Nathaniel's name.

If it's important, he'll call again, Wren thought, putting it on vibrate. He brought it on his pillow, shutting his eyes once more.

Nathaniel huffed, irritated, calling him again. Once again, Wren ignored the call, not really in the mood to be up and about at five in the morning.

"Hey, it's me, but you already knew that. You know what to do," his annoying as hell voice mail said, he heard the stupid beep shortly after.

He almost threw his phone on the floor in aggravation, letting out a defeated sigh.

Then his phone rang, Wren's face showing up on his screen. "I know you don't like to call people more than two times, so this better be important. But, even though it is, that gives you no right to wake people up at the ass crack of dawn," Wren grumbled out, sleep still thick in his voice.

Shaking his head, Nathaniel answered, "oh, it is. The plan kind of messed up; no fancy dinner, no romance. But, we did, uh, you know. And, call me a dumbass 'cause-".

"You're a dumbass," he responded, smirking.

His face became void of any emotion, blinking twice. "That's just hilarious, Wren. I'm serious, I forgot to-".

"Baby," Reagan called out, walking out the house in only one of Nathaniel's big shirts and a fresh new pair of undergarments. She shied away as his intense gaze practically burned holes in her.

"Hello," Wren drawled out, trying to get his attention for the third time.

"Oh, I'll call you later," his eyes darkened as he stood up, ending the phone conversation. She brushed her hair back from her face, blushing furiously as she looked down at the wooden platform.

He got closer, leaning in for a good morning kiss when her hand pressed against his lips. "As much as I'd like to kiss you, I'm not a huge fan of morning breath," she smiled sweetly.

Nathaniel had to laugh at that, settling for her cheek instead. "What are you doing awake, anyway," he asked curiously.

"I should be asking you the same thing, besides, you didn't exactly drop me gently," she playfully shoved at his bare chest. He caught her hand, pulling her flush against him, kissing her.

Pulling away, Nathaniel made a face, "yeah, we need to brush our teeth". Reagan pushed him away, walking back inside. He huffed out a sigh of relief, following her inside.

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