Chapter 26

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January 19, 2015 (Reagan is 30 weeks, Alana is 29 weeks and 6 days)

"How 'bout something unique and creative like Cloud or River," Nolan asked, lazily lounging on the couch, munching on a bag of potato crisps.

"Or," Nathaniel drawled while rolling his eyes, "something more practical, like Luke for example". He smiled at his choice, pulling Reagan closer to him as he rubbed her large belly.

Andrew snickered, "why," he asked, "so, you can say you're his father," bursting out in a fit of giggles right after.

Reagan let out a sigh, wincing at the sudden round of kicks that started in her stomach, something new that she'd yet to get used to. She rubbed her belly in soothing circles, hoping to relieve the pain. "You guys are absolutely ridiculous," she said with a shake of her head.

"Alright, fine," Andrew replied, "we'll be serious now," he said with a no nonsense expression, nodding his head. But, then he broke off in a grin, bouncing a little, "i like the name Andrew".

They all gave him a blank look, and said at the same time, "no".

He pouted for a second, but brightened quickly, "how about Drew, or Andy," he asked excitedly.

"No," they all repeated with a groan.

"Or," Nolan started again, "you can name him Leaf," he popped a crisp in his mouth, "or even Storm".

"Okay," Reagan put her hand up, "Nolan is no longer allowed to make suggestions. And, Andrew, the baby will not be named after you, if anything, he'll be named after Nathan". She then scrunched up her nose in distaste, "but, N.J. doesn't exactly have a nice ring to it".

Nathaniel blushed a deep crimson at the name "N.J.", subconsciously squeezing his legs together. "Yeah," he nodded, "N.J. is a bad idea".

"Then, what about A.J.," Andrew asked hopefully. "Andrew junior has a better ring to it, don't you think," he looked at all of them. "Huh, come on, admit it, you like it".

Reagan shook her head, "no, 'Drew, no we don't".

Nolan kept munching on his crisps, but pouted once he couldn't feel any more crumbs at the bottom of the bag. He licked his lips, and then his index finger, "Air, i like Air, or Wind, yeah, you can do that, too".

She let out a sigh, rubbing her temple in frustration, "Nolan, go home".

"Is this the thanks that i get for suggesting baby names for my little sister," cocking his head to the side.

Reagan shook her head, "no. This is the thanks that you get for giving your little sister a headache. So, go home, Nolan".

"No," he stuck his tongue out at her, "i don't have this cheesy stuff at home". Nolan licked the cheesy dust off his thumb, "plus, you guys have Oreos".

"You can buy Cheetos almost anywhere, Nolan. And, just take the Oreos if that's what you want," he cheered, about to get up, but Reagan stopped him. "Just don't take the vanilla one, those are my favourite".

"No," Nathaniel shook his head, "the chocolate ones are my favourite". He shifted to get more comfortable, "take the vanilla ones, those are gross".

Reagan gasped dramatically in mock horror, "you take that back," she poked his chest.

Nathaniel smirked playfully, "never".

"Alright, alright, i have an idea to solve this. I'll take the vanilla and the chocolate Oreos," Nolan grinned, feeling accomplished. "Problem solved".

"If you touch the vanilla ones, i will chop your hands off," Nolan's eyes widened at her threat. "You better just take the chocolate ones and keep it movin' if you know what's good for you".

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