Chapter 6

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April 6, 2014

Nathaniel hoised her up, balancing her on his waist, his hands, placed on her firm back side. Reagan moaned at the feel of his tongue licking up and down her neck, being bitten and nipped on the occasion.

His hands squeezed her butt, earning a yelp from Reagan. But, that quickly turned into a breathy moan as his hands shifted, caressing her voluptuous breasts.

They moved back, Reagan's butt landing right on top of his charcoal black desk. Nathaniel wasted no time at all in sweeping all the files that were neatly tucked away in the many manila folders onto his floor.

The sudden abrupt movement caused Reagan to, mind you, accidentally, grind her lower half into Nathaniel's, immediately earning a strained groan from him, instantly earning him a hard on.

There was not a place that was left untouched. My, what curious hands they both had.

Slowly, Nathaniel started removing her laced black dress, one strap at a time it went. He moved even slower to the zipper at the back of the dress.

Reagan didn't even flinch, not really realizing at the moment that she was being unclothed.

Nathaniel's suit jacket was long gone, so was his tie and half his white dress shirt.

Half as in ripped, in tatters, random shreds of cloth all over it.

Yes, she ripped it.

Someone's antsy, huh?

The dress slid all the way down to her torso, leaving everything above that visible to him. She clutched on to him, squeezing his biceps, pulling him impossibly closer to her. Thier lips still clashed together in a hungry kiss.

Who needs air anyway?

His groin grinded into her, emitting moans and groans of pleasure from both ends. Nathaniel went back to the dress, trying to push the remainder of it to the floor.

But, at that very moment, Reagan's hand flew down, stopping him from going any further. She broke the kiss, shaking her head, panting at a loss of breath.

Just then, she remembered that she had worn granny panties for that exact reason, stopping it from going any further. Extra precautionary measures had to be taken.

When you have little to no self control around someone, especially a Greek God like him, there needs to be a plan B. And, thankfully, there is.

Reagan pushed him forward a little roughly, making him stagger a bit before gaining his balance. She hopped off the desk quickly, giving Nathaniel only a second to admire her body before she pulled up her dress, pulling the spaghetti straps back on to her shoulders.

"Um," she started, already embarrassed by what she was about to ask. "Can you please zip me up," her head was down the whole time as she spoke shyly.

Wow. A week of this and you'd expect her to be a little more confident. But, nope. Reagan was still as shy as a new kid at school. Yet, he couldn't help the wide grin cascading upon his features, Reagan was too cute for words.

He nodded, walking up behind her. Nathaniel made sure to run his hands all over her body as he did so, lingering in certain places longer than necessary.

Finally, he came to her zipper, doing it quickly and backing away to be in front of her once again.

"Took your sweet time," Reagan murmured, yet he still caught it, chuckling quietly.

Nathaniel lifted her head up, capturing her lips in his for a swift kiss, "is that a problem," he asked cheekily. Reagan returned the smile, but dropped it almost immediately.

"What are we," she asked, looking down once again.

"Humans," he replied in a 'duh' tone. Reagan slapped his toned chest, which was still partcially visible to her, mumbling a "not funny" under her cool breath.

"You know what i mean, Nathaniel," she mumbled, playing with the white material of his shirt in between her fingers. He was shocked for a second, this was the first time she had said his first name. And, boy, did it sound ravishing.

He sighed, "what do you want us to be, Reagan," he asked, nervous of her answer.

She looked at him like it was obvious, which, it kind of was, but apparently, not to him. "Well, I don't want to just become your make-out buddy. But, if that's what you see it as, then this," she motioned between the two, "is already over".

Nathaniel shook his head, "that's definitely not what this," he gestured between the two,"is. Believe me, if i wanted to just get into your pants," he stopped, seeing the look she gave him, urging him to finish.

Probably best that he didn't finish that thought.

"So," he clapped his hands together, exhailing loudly, "let's get back to work, Ms Summers," he shooed her away. Reagan quickly backed away from him, rushing towards the big double doors. "Um, your shoes, Ms Summers," he added amused at her forgetfulness.

"Oh, yeah," turning back around just in time for Nathaniel to toss her black flats perfectly in the palm of her hands. "Thank you," bowing her head, she high-tailed it out of there.

He chuckled, taken away by how innocent she was. yet, there was that dirty part of him that whispered in the back of his mind, not for long.


Almost as soon as Reagan got back to her little work area, Jenna came running out of nowhere, squealing like a school girl that just saw her crush.

"So," she drawled out, wiggling her eyebrows suggestively, "you and the boss, huh," though it wasn't a question. More like a statement.

Reagan felt her face grow hot, "maybe," was all she said before putting her head down to avoid eye contact.

"Oh, don't try to deny it, i've heard the moans and groans coming out of that room, and, i'm definitely not the only one. Pretty sure people from China heard it, not like you guys were exactly quiet. And, i know damn well Mr Adams has more self respect and enough sense than to let Alicia in his office. So it had to be you". Jenna rambled on and on, the more she said, making Reagan more embarrassed by the minute.

"Anyway," Jenna tapped the desk mildly, getting Reagan's eyes back on her, "on to the most important question at hand".

"I'm listening".

"How big is he".

She was serious, leaning in and waiting on answer.

Reagan didn't reply, knowing that even if she did, Jenna would not believe that all that noise made was just the cause of some harmless making-out.

But, Jenna kept staring intently, leaning in so close to her that her breath was fanning her face, making Reagan quite uncomfortable. "I'm not going to answer that, Jenna. Besides, I wouldn't know".

Secretly, Reagan wished she did truly know the answer to that.

And, one day, maybe. Just maybe, she might.


Yes, i know it's short and really crappy, and just was not worth the wait of a whole week. Don't comment on it. I really ran out of ideas. Sue me.

Faith, sweetheart, if you keep Kiking and Snapchatting me to update, I will seriously give you a dirty slap. Do you know how hard it is to make a story, huh, do ya? Exactly, you don't. If i rush, the outcome will very well be a short, crappy chapter. So, calm your tits. Are we clear?

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