Chapter 14

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First doctor's appointment

This is that exciting time where you, the couple, can hear your little creation's heartbeat, check the woman's health, and get a possible due date.

September 20, 2014 (Reagan; 12 weeks & Alana; 11 weeks & 6 days)

There's their little jelly bean. ♡

Reagan ran down her stairs quickly, one of her black flats on her foot, while the other laid squished a little in her palms. She jumped down the last three, about to break into a sprint toward the door.

But, she stopped, hearing hushed voices coming from her parlor. Curiosity got the best of her as she found herself walking silently to the parlor, careful of being spotted.

", 'Lana," a familiar deep voice sounded. Wren, Reagan thought. "I'm sorry about the other day, sweetheart. It's just a lot to take in all at once," Reagan heard him sigh.

"What's a lot to take in," Reagan wondered, murmuring lowly to herself.

"I understand that, Wren," Alana shifted closer to him, letting Wren pull her on his lap. She wrapped her arms around his neck, staring deeply into his eyes. "But, the important question is," she took a deep breath in, "do you want this," she asked softly.

"Do you," Wren countered.

Reagan scrunched up her eyebrows, "want what," completely confused. Before Alana could answer, Reagan's cell phone went off.


"Shit," she huffed under her breath.

Their heads turned, almost immediately making eye contact with her. Reagan smiled, "I was just, uh," she swallowed, trying to come up with a believable fib. She pulled her cell phone out of her dress pocket, laughing lightly, "looking for my phone," she exclaimed a little too enthusiastically.

Alana rolled her eyes at her friends' obvious fib, but chose not to draw attention to it. "Reagan, don't you have the doctor's appointment today," she asked. Reagan's eyes widened as if she had just remembered.

"Oh yeah," she put her right hand up on the wall for balance as she raised her foot up to put her other shoe on. Reagan checked her lit up cell phone, seeing that the missed call did indeed come from Nathaniel.

She looked up at them once more before high-tailing it out of the tense atmosphere. Opening the door, she was greeted with Nathaniel's presence, his hand balled up into a fist in the air, about to knock.

"Why were you knocking," Reagan asked, she pointed to her right, "we do have a doorbell, you know," she added in a duh tone.

Nathaniel blushed furiously, "I know that," he turned his face away from her, grabbing her hand, "come on, we are going to be late". Reagan laughed at him, but nevertheless, let him drag her to his black Rolls Royce parked in her driveway.

He handed her a bottle of Dasani water to drink, she thanked him, practically draining it all in one go. As they got in and drove out her driveway, Reagan sighed heavily, "something is wrong with them".

His eyebrows furrowed, scrunching up in confusion, "something is wrong with who exactly," his eyes quickly drifted to the slight bump on her stomach, panic slowly starting to bubble inside him.

"Wren and Alana," she answered as if it were obvious. Nathaniel breathed a sigh of relief, stopping at a red light, "Alana, she's been acting weird for a while, a week or so. It's something she doesn't want me to know, which just pisses me off," she bunched up her dark curls in frustration.

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