Chapter One

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I slammed my hand down on the alarm clock. Rolling over, I faced the wall in my bed. Until my phone started to ring. I groaned, and answered the call. "Hey, it's (Y/N), your fellow social reject in life." I spoke, monotonous. "Hello (Y/N), it's me, Michael!" Ah yes, my best friend, Michael.

"What's wrong, then? You never seem to call me." I spoke, sitting up and rubbing my tired eyes. "(Y/N), have you seen the time?! You're late for school! "Michael laughed down the phone. I glanced at the clock which I had shut off. "Shit!" I shouted, putting the phone down and throwing on the nearest pair of clothes and grabbing my bag.


Michael laughed at me as I grabbed his shoulder to catch my breath. I had ran from home to school. "So, why were you so late? Been watching too much anime again?" Michael swung his arm around my shoulders. I shook my head. "Look over there at Jeremy," he gestured towards our other best friend. Jeremy had a HUGE crush on a girl called Christine, who was pretty nice, unlike some of the other girls in the school, the "popular" girls. Jeremy walked over to us, his face red. "Hey Jeremy," I grinned, and he smiled weakly. "I just made myself look like an idiot in front of Christine." Jeremy muttered under his breath. Me and Michael patted his back. Suddenly I felt a slap on the back of my head. "Hey loser!" one of the popular boys Rich called out to me. A group of girls around him laughed as they walked past. "I wrote Christine a letter," Jeremy spoke, and I smiled at him. "That's progress!" Michael replied. "I tore it up and flushed it." Jeremy finished. Michael groaned. "It's still progress.." I muttered. "But hey, it's OK! I learnt on Discovery channel that humans have stopped evolving because of technology! Which means there hasn't been a better time to be a loser! Which means we could be -" Michael ranted, until Jeremy interrupted. "Signing up for the play!" He grinned and walked towards the board. "I was gonna say getting stoned in my basement," Michael muttered under his breath and I smiled.

"GAY!!" Someone shouted and everyone around laughed. Jeremy walked back and put his arms around our shoulders. "Come on, let's get to class," he said as we walked through the corridor.


Maths had always been my worst subject. I looked down at the sheet that the teacher had given us. It was algebra, I was terrible at it. Suddenly I felt a ball of paper hit the back of my head. Picking it up and unfolding it, my eyes scanned the scrawl of writing.

Boys bathroom. After school. Rich.

Why on earth would one of the most popular guys in school want to meet me somewhere?


"Hey, err, I'll catch up with you later!" I called to Jeremy and Michael. They looked puzzled, but nodded and walked home. I checked that the coast was clear, and headed to the nearest bathroom. Rich was standing there washing his hands. "Hey loser!" He grinned, then hesitated. "Sorry, for err... calling you a loser." I nodded. "Why did you want to meet me here?" I asked. Rich grinned again. "Freshman year. I didn't have a girlfriend or a clue, I was a loser just like you. Good times would only soar by. I was hopeless, hopeless. I was helpless, helpless. I would trip, I was stagnant and idle, I was so suicidal, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then I got a squip." I looked at him confused. "You got quick?" Rich shook his head. "Not quick, squip."

"I've never heard of it before." I replied. Rich answered back, "Yeah that's the point. This is some top can't-even-look-it-up-on-the-internet shit. It's from Japan. It's a grey oblong pill. Quantum nanotechnology CPU. The quantum computer in the pill will travel through your blood until it implants in your brain and it tells you what to do."

"So.... it's like drugs?" I asked. He chuckled. "It's better than drugs, (Y/N), IT'S FROM JAAAPPPPPPAAAANNNNNNNNN!!!" Rich finished and placed a small box in one hand and in the other some Mountain Dew Green. "Drink that with it when you're ready." Rich smiled and winked at me, before leaving.


A squip, huh? I glanced at the box and the green soda that was placed on my desk. Rich's words echoed in my mind. "It implants in your brain and tells you what to do."  Unboxing the small pill I place it on my tongue and take a swig of Mountain Dew.

The Guy That I'd Kinda Be Into- Squip x Reader (Be More Chill)Where stories live. Discover now