Chapter Nine

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Hey there everyone! Just a quick thanks for reading my fanfic :) I really appreciate it! I have had a few peeps asking me when I'm next updating and what-not. I'll try to get AT LEAST one chapter done a week, though no promises :') Currently this has 818 reads in less than two weeks. WHAT THE HELL THAT IS INSANE??? My HoennChampionShipping fanfic got no where near that amount of reads when it was out as long as this. I really appreciate it and I'm glad you all love my story so much! I'm pretty happy with this one to be perfectly honest. I'm just a shy, socially anxious nerd with nothing better to do with life. Also please give some love to my best friend MintBerlin_WallMaple. She's been helping me out a lot (shun me mate xD). And she made me a cover for this fanfic! She writes fanfic too, please follow her! Sorry for such a long Authors Note, I just wanted to thank you all :3 So please enjoy Chapter Nine!

(Also I'm running out of Squip fanart please send me links to pictures I've not yet used =-=)


"What can I do to cheer you up?" The Squip glanced at me. I was wrapped up in my blanket, lying on my bed, refusing to move. "I don't see why I should be listening to you. You're almost always wrong." I muttered. The Squip winced at my words. "Hey, I'm trying to help you! I can get you something to drink, tea... coffee... or we could watch some anime!" The Squip waved Haikyuu in my direction. I rolled over. "Squip, I'm not interested. I feel like I've messed up my life since," I froze at first, but decided to continue: "Since I got you!" The Squip dropped the DVD.

"That's it. I'm done being nice."

"That was you being nice? Yikes." I muttered sarcastically, rolling my eyes. The Squip glared at me, even though I couldn't see him, I knew he did. "I'm trying to make you feel better, (Y/N)! I want you to feel better!" I stayed quiet. "That's literally the nicest thing you've ever said to me." The Squip grinned at me.

"I didn't say anything you fucking moron." I scowled at him.

"Precisely. You're being an ass." The Squip replied, pulling my blanket off me. I fell of the bed and watched him leave my room. Standing up, I followed The Squip down into the kitchen. He handed me a coffee. "Listen, I know you're feeling down and not yourself. I'm sorry for annoying you when you didn't want my help." The Squip wrapped his arms around me. "No, I'm sorry. I've been an ass to you recently. Sorry Squippy," I said, hugging him back. "I'll try to be nicer to you." The Squip tightened his grip on me. "I promise I'll try to help you more... and not get things so wrong." He murmured into my shoulder. "Hey, I'm err.... I'm sorry for saying that my life was worse without you." I looked into The Squip's eyes. "I really can't live without you." I blushed as I spat out my words. The Squip laughed slightly and placed a kiss on my cheek. "I want you to be happy," He smiled, placing his head on my neck. I grinned happily. The Squip looked up at me and smirked. "You're seriously so cute~" The Squip teased me. I blushed. "Oh, shut up!" I pushed him away. The Squip laughed at me, before grabbing my coat and throwing it around my shoulders. I glanced at him. "It's cold outside, you don't want to get ill!" The Squip smiled at me. I pulled my coat off me. "No, it's fine. I'd rather not wear it." I replied. "But you might get ill!" The Squip protested. I shook my head. "I'll be fine. I haven't gotten ill in three years, Squippy." I smiled. The Squip didn't look convinced, but he complied to my wishes.

When we reached the school, I could feel myself getting colder. The Squip smirked at me. "What? Why are you smirking at me?" I asked. The Squip laughed. "No reason." He replied, opening the classroom door for me. I stared at him suspiciously, and walked into the room and sat in my seat. Michael followed me in and I glanced at him. He stared at me for a second, before turning his head and sitting down on the opposite side of the room. The Squip placed his hand on my back and rubbed it in comfort. "I told you, we'll fix this mess."The Squip ran his hand through my hair."I know, I know," I replied, "It just... hurts."

Chloe and Brooke suddenly sat next to me, interrupting my train of thought. "(Y/N)? You've been acting weird recently." Chloe glanced at me, her eyes full of concern. I looked back at her. "I've... been feeling really down recently." I replied. Brooke's eyes widened. "You know you can talk to us (Y/N)! We can help you!" She put her arm around my shoulders. Chloe nodded in agreement. I looked at them both. "I appreciate it, thank you" I smiled weakly at them. I suddenly realised that The Squip had vanished again. But then suddenly I felt a wave of dizziness overcome me. "(Y/N), are you alright?" Brooke asked me, helping me to my feet. "You've gone pale." I stuttered, "I'm-I'm ok, just dizzy all of a sudden." I then found myself feeling nauseous. "Excuse me," I mumbled, pushing past the two of them to the nearest bathroom.

"I told you so." The Squip had reappeared and was watching me clean myself up after my incident. "Oh, shut up." I said, looking into the mirror, making sure I was cleaner, despite still feeling nauseous. The Squip frowned. "You still feel sick, don't you?" I glanced at him. "Not like you'd admit it, seeing as I did tell you would get sick." He smirked. I walked over to him, despite my dizziness. "You're still dizzy aren't you?" I sighed, bending down to pick my bag up. "No shit Sherlock," I muttered under my breath. The Squip looked at me with concern. "You really should sit down, (Y/N). In case you pass out. I won't be able to help you if you do." I shook my head. "No I'll be fine. I can go back to class OK?" The Squip then shook his head. "You're not well, (Y/N), you can't go to class. Go home, get some rest." I stared at him, and replied, "But I feel ok!" The Squip glared at me. "Liar, you don't. You still feel dizzy and nauseous. Your blood sugar levels have dropped and since you threw up you're hungry too as you've regurgitated your food." I held my hand up. "TMI, Squip, yeah you think I don't know that." The Squip sighed, "The point I'm getting to is your body isn't in a suitable state to go back and learn!" I glanced at the floor. As much as I hated to admit it... he was right. And I was feeling ill, and like I was about to pass out. "Squip, I..." I grabbed his arm and found myself falling to the floor.

The Guy That I'd Kinda Be Into- Squip x Reader (Be More Chill)Where stories live. Discover now