Chapter Four

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"W-w-w-w-w-what?" The Squip seemed to glitch in and out of existence. "Squippy? Are you OK?" I asked him, my voice laced with concern. "O-o-o-of course I'm OK (Y/N)! W-w-why wouldn't I be?" The Squip gave a nervous laugh. "C-come on, (Y/N), drama practice is over!" He placed his hands on my back and pushed me out of the room. "(Y/N)? Where are you going?" Jeremy called to me. "Just- just outside!" I called back. "Squip, where are you taking me?" I asked, as he continued to push me outside into the school gardens.

"Squippy, what's wrong? Why are you acting weird all of a sudden?" I looked up at him. The Squip coughed slightly, and he seemed to be blushing. "Are you ill?" I questioned. He shook his head. "No I am not ill (Y/N), I'm a computer, I cannot get ill." He replied. "And I'm not acting weird!" I stared. "You are! I think I like a guy and you go strange!" I shouted. "Well, he's not any good for you!" The Squip exclaimed. "You told me he would be!" I exclaimed back. "Well, I thought you were talking about someone else! You didn't hint towards anyone in particular!" The Squip argued. I groaned. "Is there any way to turn you off? Just for a little bit?" I glared at him. The Squip's face dropped. "I need some time to my own thoughts!" I scoffed. "O-ok, (Y/N)," mumbled The Squip before disappearing. With a heavy sigh, I sat down and put my head into my hands. Why was The Squip acting so weird after I told him about Jake? Could he... could he like me? No, that's impossible. He's a computer! But then...could I like him? He's pretty attractive and he is nice in his own way... and he is right about Jake. "Hey there, (Y/N)!" I looked up in the direction of the sound. Walking up to me was Jake and Christine. Hand in hand. "Oh hey you two," I said with a fake smile. "You two going out?" Jake nodded. "Yeah, we are. Feels great going out with someone new, you know? Gotta take the upgrade." I bowed my head in agreement. "See you around, (Y/N)," Christine said with a smile. "Yeah see you," I replied.

I placed my head into my hands again and before I knew it I was crying. I felt someone slide their arms around me. "Squippy?" I asked through tears. "Shh," he comforted, rubbing my back with his hand. "Shh, don't cry, (Y/N)" I looked up at him. He opened his arms up. "Hug?" The Squip asked gently. I rested my head onto his chest as he wrapped his arms around me. I felt... safe. "You were right." I mumbled. The Squip stuttered. "I... I was?" I nodded. "Yeah, you were. He can get someone so much better than me. Look at him with Christine. Everyone loves Christine." I cried into his chest. "I... I didn't mean it like that, (Y/N). Everyone is going to love you, I promise. That's my purpose, to make you happy. Everyone is going to love you, I lo-" The Squip comforted. He paused. "Do you want to be alone again?" I nodded. "Please." I whispered.

Standing up, I turned around to go back into school. "Michael?" I spoke, staring at the red hooded male in front of me. "Michael, I'm glad to see you!" I said happily. "Really?" He asked. "So you and Jeremy haven't been avoiding me all day?" I stared at him. I began to speak, "What are you talking about, I haven't seen you since –" and then it clicked. "It's called Optic Nerve Blocking. I have been blocking Michael from your field of vision. I was also blocking Jeremy, but it seems that his popularity has improved. Michael is a link to (Y/N) 1.0. To upgrade, you have to be willing to make sacrifices." The Squip appeared. "Seriously, what's up with you and Jeremy? You've been acting shady since – wait, did... did you get a squip too?" Michael questioned. "Yeah, I have a squip... Jeremy has one too?" I asked. "Yeah he does," Michael scoffed, "Though you can ask him about it and be squip buddies seeing as you both have been ignoring me!" before storming off.

I glared at The Squip. "You asked me to make you popular, that's what I'm doing!" He exclaimed, throwing his hands up in defence. I sighed. "I know, I know. I just didn't expect that I'll be ignoring my friends." The Squip placed his hands on my shoulders. "Look over there," he said, pointing a finger over to Chloe and Brooke. "Go and talk to them. Get them to invite you to tomorrow's Halloween party." The Squip advised. "How do I even start talking to them?" I asked.

"Just smile. Say hi. Strike up an ordinary conversation."

Following The Squip's instructions, I walked over to the two girls and gave them a smile. "Hi Brooke, hi Chloe." I said, giving them a small wave. "Hey (Y/N), how are you doing?" Chloe asked me. "Oh I'm good, thanks." I replied, and The Squip whispered to me: What are you doing on Halloween? I copied, "What are you doing on Halloween?" Brooke answered, "Most likely going to Jake's Halloween party, what about you?" I shrugged my shoulders. "Most likely staying at home, you know?" Chloe gasped and grabbed my hands. "I know, how about you come to the party? Your popularity is incredible at the moment; you could really get to know some of the people in school!" She exclaimed. I nodded. "Wow, thanks Chloe!" I grinned, before grabbing Brookes hand too, "And thanks Brooke!" Chloe tapped my head. "Don't sweet it, hun, welcome to the club!" She smiled before waving goodbye and leaving with Brooke. "See, that was OK!" The Squip smiled at me happily. "Yeah it was all right," I admitted, and The Squip laughed. "You're really adorable, you know that?" his smile getting larger and larger before he placed a hand on my cheek. I blushed. "S-shut up, I'm not adorable." I said, pushing his hand away before walking to go home. "You are!" The Squip argued playfully. "I'm not," I retaliated back.

"What do you want to wear then?" The Squip asked me. We had walked home and now I was picking out an outfit for the Halloween party. "Wait- you're letting me pick? You're not picking out an outfit for me?" I asked, glancing at him lying on my bed as I flicked through my wardrobe. "I'm advising you this time. I think you'd prefer to wear something of your own this time." The Squip replied. "Aww thanks Squippy," I grinned at him, and he blushed. "Yeah, well it's only for tomorrow." He muttered under his breath.

The Guy That I'd Kinda Be Into- Squip x Reader (Be More Chill)Where stories live. Discover now