Chapter Eight

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"You don't seem yourself," The Squip glanced at me as I did my tie up in front of the mirror, getting ready for school. I blushed at the sound of his voice. "I-I'm fine." I muttered, grabbing my things. The Squip stood in front of my door. "(Y/N)," The Squip looked at me, his eyes full of concern. "Talk to me, please, I'll listen. Is this about yesterday?" I sighed, and replied, "No, it's not." The Squip sighed at me. "Then what's wrong?" He asked. "Nothing, I'm fine!" I called to him, running down the stairs ready to leave.

I arrived at school much earlier than normal. I was trying to catch up on some homework, but my thoughts were preoccupied. Was I really falling for a computer? Isn't that pathetic of me? I placed my head in my hands. The Squip pulled up a chair next to me. "Please talk to me, (Y/N), I'm here to listen to you and make your life easier." I looked up at him. The Squip placed his hand on my cheek. "I can see it in your eyes. The panic. What's gotten you so scared?" He asked me, his voice laced with concern. "Nothing, Squip, don't bother me," I sighed, moving his hand off my face and trying to concentrate again. The Squip frowned. "No nickname, huh?" He asked. I grabbed my things and began to leave. "(Y/N), where are you going?"

"Out, I need some air!" I called back, leaving him.

Jeremy was standing outside in the school gardens. "Jeremy!" I shouted, and he turned around, before hurrying away from me. I sighed and sat down on the nearest bench. Jeremy wasn't talking to me, I'd been an idiot to Michael and now I was pretty sure I was falling in love with a computer. Wasn't my life meant to get easier? Why did it feel so difficult now then?

"It doesn't have to be difficult." The Squip had appeared next to me again. "Have... have you been reading my mind?" I asked, my face flushing bright red. "I've tried not to. But your thoughts have been all over the place. It's been hard not to see what you've been thinking. (Y/N)..." The Squip sat next to me and grabbed my hands. "Stop worrying about everything. I'm... I'm here for you to talk to. And...There's been something going on with me, too." I stared at The Squip. "What's been going on with you?" I asked. The Squip placed one hand on my cheek and rubbed it gently. "I... I don't know either, but I want you to know that you can talk to me. Even if I am annoying at times, I'll listen to you. Just... just talk to me, OK?" I held onto The Squip's hand. "Thank you," I smiled at him, my face still slightly red, "I appreciate it." The Squip smiled back at me, before leaning forward and kissing my forehead. He ran his hand through my hair. "Come on, let's get to rehearsal." I sighed. "Is there any point though? Jeremy isn't talking to me." The Squip looked at me. "Is that what's bothering you?" The Squip asked me. I put my head onto his shoulder. "I don't know, I just feel off about everything," I replied. "How about we go and try to talk to him?" The Squip advised. "Nothing wrong with trying." I nodded in agreement and we walked to drama practice.

The Squip tapped my back. "Just go talk to him!" The Squip pointed towards Jeremy's direction. "I don't know, he's been avoiding me." I muttered. "Then let's try to get him to stop avoiding you! Just try not to be rash..." The Squip encouraged me. I nodded, and tapped Jeremy on the shoulder. "Why have you been avoiding me?" I asked him. "Not that rash!" The Squip exclaimed, but I ignored him. Jeremy looked awkward. "Look, I'm sorry, (Y/N), but I don't think we should be friends at the moment." I stared at him and shouted "Why not?! I've been here with you since the beginning of school and all of a sudden you're avoiding me and saying we shouldn't be friends?! Jeremy, what's wrong with you?!" Jeremy stood up suddenly and shouted back, "What's wrong with you, (Y/N)? Why have you been acting weird? You're always sitting there with a dazed look in your eyes? Is it your Squip? Is it making you go insane?!" I tightened my hands into a fist, but I felt myself being turned away before I could make the situation any worse.

The Squip pulled me into a close hug. "Squip, where did I go wrong?" I asked. He ruffled my hair. "Not your fault. Not your fault at all." The Squip comforted me. I felt so safe in his arms. The Squip laughed gently. "I'm glad I make you feel safe, (Y/N)" I blushed slightly and buried my face into his shirt. I wish I knew what he was thinking everytime we were like this. Everytime I was in his arms; everytime our hands touched... Hell, I couldn't stop remembering the way he kissed my forehead, even if it was just for a second. Oh fuck, he can read my mind, I remembered. So does that mean he knew how I was feeling? Was he just acting this way to fulfil my desires? I tightened my hold on his shirt. "(Y/N)?" The Squip placed his hand on my back. "I'm scared, Squippy," I murmured. "I know, I know," The Squip rubbed my back gently. I glanced up at him. "What if this is how it's going to be forever? What if I've ruined my friends' lives? What if-" The Squip shushed me. "Stop with the what ifs. Your friends' are going to be all right. You're going to be all right." The Squip ran his hand through my hair.

"Listen, we'll fix this mess, ok? Trust me, we'll get through this." He kissed my head. "I promise."

The Guy That I'd Kinda Be Into- Squip x Reader (Be More Chill)Where stories live. Discover now