Chapter Seven (REWRITE)

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"You're like my own Canada, you know?"I giggled, and continued, "Cause only I can see you? No? OK..." The Squip glared at me disapprovingly. "(Y/N), rather than making anime references to Hetalia, why don't you focus on buying this new laptop you wanted so badly?" I sighed. "I thought you were getting better with the references? You let me listen to Dear Evan Hansen and let me buy a Black Butler shirt yesterday!" I frowned. The Squip exhaled deeply. "Yes that's true, but don't you think you have anything better to do than musicals and anime?" He asked. I shrugged my shoulders. "The play is in five days, but I'm not in it. I'm just going to be in the audience." I replied. "Also I have a question," I asked, and pointed to The Squip. "You're from Japan, what's your problem with anime?" The Squip answered "I have no problem with anime myself, but society does. It deems it uncool, hence making you uncool." He flicked my forehead gently. "Oh... so what's your favourite then?" I asked innocently. "Death Note, why?" The Squip questioned me. "Why don't we watch it?" I smiled, grabbing his arm. "Let's not," The Squip said, shaking me off his arm with a light blush on his face. I frowned. "Why not?" I glanced at him. The Squip muttered something under his breath. "Just.... get your new laptop!" I looked at the different ones. "None of these compare to my systems." The Squip grumbled. "Are... are you jealous of a laptop?" I laughed. The Squip stared at me. "O-of course not! Why would I be jealous of an inanimate object!" I replied, "Because its also a computer, and you seem the type to get jealous easily," I grabbed a Macbook box. The Squip stared at me again. "I just want a Mac, that's it," I held my hands up in defence. "Ok, ok, fine let's go!" The Squip pushed my back towards the line.

As we left the computer shop, I heard someone call my name.

"Ciao, (Y/N)!"It was Chloe.

"Ciao?" I muttered to myself as I walked towards her. "It's hello in Italian," The Squip spoke. "I know that! I'm not stupid!" I snapped at him. "Reply back in Italian," The Squip commanded. "Ciao, Chloe! Where's Brooke?" I asked, looking around. "Oh Brooke's gone to get something to eat." Chloe replied. She lowered her voice. "I'm sorry for um... you know, asking you to a threesome. That was really stupid of me. Even though I was drunk." I put my hand on her shoulder. "Hey, it's ok, we all do stupid things when we're drunk. My friend started singing and dancing to a song in Japanese when he was drunk!" We both laughed. I spotted The Squip scowl at me.

Me and Chloe walked down to where Brooke was. "Hey (Y/N)!" Brooke called out to me. She handed me and Chloe a frozen yogurt pot each. "Thank you!" I grinned, taking a spoonful. "Brain-freeze!" I freaked as I swallowed. The Squip shivered. "Eat slower!" He freaked out as well. We laughed as I tapped my head, attempting to sooth the icy feeling. "(Y/N)," I looked up at Brooke. "Yeah, what's up?" I asked. "Well, me and Chloe have decided boys aren't really worth our time at the moment. But we were wondering... any guys you like at the moment?" The two of them stared at me with big bold eyes. "H-huh?!" I stuttered, flustered at the sudden question. "W-well... I don't really know how I feel at the moment," I replied. "So you do like someone!" Chloe grinned at me. "I didn't say that!" I shouted, my face turning red. God, where was The Squip when I needed him in awkward situations? Brooke and Chloe laughed at me. "Your face says all, (Y/N)." Brooke poked my cheek. "So, who's the lucky guy?" I glanced between them both. "Oh, you won't know him," I spat out, trying to avoid the subject. "Even more reason to tell us," Chloe teased me. Seriously, where was The Squip where I needed him?! "I-I-I, um, I have to get going!" I stuttered, grabbing my items and quickly speeding home.

When I arrived home, The Squip was there asleep on the couch. I sighed deeply, trying to control my anger. "Where were you when Chloe was asking me awkward questions?!" I shouted at him. The Squip suddenly woke up and cowered behind the coach. "(Y-Y/N), I'm sorry, I thought it be best if you spoke about your feelings yourself without my assistance." The Squip glanced at me from his hiding space. "I'm sorry." I stared at him and without a word I walked past him up into my room. "(Y/N)! Look, I don't think I have a right to try and talk about your feelings for you! I don't know how you feel exactly!" The Squip called out to me, following me to my room. I stopped at my door, and turned around to face him. "You're inside my head. You should know how I feel." I replied simply, before shutting the door on him.

"(Y/N), I'm sorry! I think feelings are quite an important thing so I didn't want to disrespect your privacy!" The Squip called to me, knocking on my door. I didn't reply. "(Y/N), please," The Squip sounded desperate. "I am sorry for leaving you to deal with that situation. I truly am. I didn't want to feel like I was invading your privacy in your head." I opened the door. "You idiot. How can you feel like your invading my privacy? You're inside my head. You literally have access to everything about me." The Squip suddenly hugged me. "I am sorry, you know that right?" The Squip whispered into my neck. I sighed. "Like I said," I replied, running my hand through his hair, "You're an idiot."

The Squip placed his head onto my shoulder. "I know I am," he said. The Squip being this close to me... it wasn't the first time, but it felt so different. It felt right with his head on my shoulder, and his arms wrapped around my waist. Is this why I avoided Chloe and Brooke's question? Because I've been questioning my feelings towards The Squip? He felt more than just a computer here to help me; he felt like a real person who genuinely cared for me.

Is this... is this me falling for him?

The Guy That I'd Kinda Be Into- Squip x Reader (Be More Chill)Where stories live. Discover now