Chapter Six

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I sat up the next morning and my head was pounding in pain. What happened last night? I couldn't remember; everything was foggy. Reaching for my mobile, I noticed five missed calls and loads of text messages from people around school. "Rich set a fire and he burned down the house," I murmured, reading one of the many messages. The Squip appeared in front of me holding a glass of water and some paracetamol. "Here, this will get rid of the headache," he smiled, handing them over. "Thank you, Squippy," I said, taking the medicine. My fingers gently hit his and I spotted a blush across his cheeks at the contact. "Did- did you make me leave early because you knew that the fire was going to happen?" I asked. The Squip sat next to me. "It was a high probability that it was going to happen... so I made sure you were safe, that is my job," The Squip looked at me. He took hold of my hand, and this time I felt myself blush. He rubbed the back of my hand with his thumb. He was a computer but he felt so real to me. "Of course I feel real, (Y/N), I have access to your nerves and sensory systems." The Squip laughed gently. He tapped my head. "Come on, school isn't going to magic itself to you." I nodded, and reached into my wardrobe. I pulled out my Death Note jumper and I felt it being ripped out my hands. "But-" I protested. The Squip shook his head. "No, (Y/N). Sure, you're more popular but that doesn't mean you can start wearing anime merch." I made a face, but complied. "Good," The Squip grinned and pat me on the head. "I'm not a child, Squip," I muttered under my breath. "Yes, but you act like a child sometimes," The Squip retaliated.

"Oh my god, Jake is in hospital!" I exclaimed as I walked to my locker. "He broke both of his legs!" I glanced at The Squip. "You made me leave the party." The Squip nodded. "We established that earlier (Y/N)." He replied. "Did you know that people were going to get hurt?!" I shouted. The Squip placed his hand on my shoulders and asked, "(Y/N), you do trust me? My sole function is to fulfil your desires. That is to be popular. I did not know that people were going to be hurt; I am here to improve your life, not anyone else! I protected you when I needed to, and that is what I'll continue to do." I looked up at him. "I do trust you: but I've upset one of my best friends and the other hasn't really spoken to me." I replied. "Well, go and speak to one of them now," The Squip pointed over to Jeremy, who was conversation with Jenna. I walked over. "Hi Jeremy." I smiled at him. "Hey, (Y/N). How's your Squip treating you?" He asked. I nodded happily. "Really well. What about yours?" Jeremy's face dropped. He sighed. "Not great. Look, I know Squip's can communicate. Why doesn't yours communicate with mine and then you'll see what I mean?" I glanced up at The Squip. Suddenly he grabbed hold of my shoulders and pushed me away. "Squip?" I asked, "What's wrong with Jeremy's Squip?" He ignored me. "Squip!" I called out. "Answer me!" The Squip ignored me again. I grabbed his hand. "Why won't you answer me?!" I shouted. "Because that's how Squips are programmed!" The Squip exclaimed. "What?" I asked quietly. "We're programmed to make our hosts lives seem perfect! But once their desires have been fulfilled then we ruin it for them! That's why people go insane! They can't get us out, no matter how hard they try!" The Squip stared at me. "I'm- I'm sorry, (Y/N)... I... I'm different though, I promise!" He grabbed my face. "I don't want to hurt you! I want to protect you! I want you to be happy!" The Squip seemed to be breaking down now. "I don't want to hurt you! I don't want any of the other Squips to hurt you either!" He wrapped his arms around my waist, and seemed to cry into my shoulder. "Squip, stop talking for like five minutes please," I whispered, running my fingers through his hair and stroking it. Sobs wracked through his body. "(Y/N), I'm sorry," The Squip whispered. "Shh, I know, I know," I comforted. "I know you don't want to hurt me. I trust you, even if I think your decisions are a bad idea." The Squip looked at me. "You... you really trust me? Even though I'm programmed the same way as every other Squip out of millions?" He mumbled. I nodded. "Of course I do, you idiot!" I smiled, wiping his eyes gently with my thumb. "I trust you more than any other one of the million of Squips out there." The Squip gave me a small smile. "Thank you, (Y/N)." He murmured.

Opening the door to play rehearsal, I spotted Christine, Chloe and Brooke practicing their lines. I glanced over to the other side of the room. Jeremy had his head in his hands. "Is he OK?" I asked quietly, my voice laced with concern. "It's his Squip," The Squip muttered, and I looked up at him. "I have a bad feeling about his Squip," I said. The Squip nodded in agreement, and replied, "Me too." I walked over to Jeremy and The Squip called out to me in distress, "(Y-Y/N)! Wait a minute!" I tapped Jeremy on the top of his head. "Hey Jeremy, what's wrong?" I questioned him. Jeremy lifted his head. "I don't know what to do, (Y/N). My Squip has plans for everyone... I don't know what, but I can feel that something big is going to happen, to everyone." He stared at me. "Take care of yourself, (Y/N)." Jeremy put his head back down. I wanted to carry on talking to him, but The Squip moved me away. "I'm worried about Jeremy," I confided into him. The Squip stroked my hair in comfort. "I know, we'll sort it out." The Squip reassured me. "The play's in a six days time." He reminded me. I nodded. "I'll be in the audience supporting Jeremy." I replied. Suddenly Brooke and Chloe cried out in happiness, though it was questionable. "Jake!" The two girls called out, running towards him.

He looked terrible! "Jake," I stared at him. Jake laughed weakly at me. Both of his legs were in cast and he was on crutches. "Hey there (Y/N)," Jake gave a small smile and started answering the questions Chloe, Brooke and Jenna threw at him. Christine stared at him, but quickly turned her head and continued practicing. "He cheated on her at the party." The Squip explained. "Poor Christine!" I murmured, feeling sorry for her. Jake really is an idiot, what did I ever see in him? "That's a good question, I also don't know what you saw in him." I jumped at The Squip's voice. "Don't read my mind!" I glared at him, and he laughed. "Sure thing, significant annoyance," The Squip teased. "Sure thing, Tic-Tac," I replied, grabbing my things, ready to leave for home.

We cut through the mall on our way home, and I spotted a Black Butler shirt. The Squip sighed. "I'm not getting it, I'm just looking!" I threw my hands up in defence. "No, it's not that," The Squip looked at me. "I was just thinking... you could get some more shirts, to wear outside of school." I stared at him with a large smile on my face. "Really?!" I shrieked in amazement. "O-only for home!" The Squip shrieked as I glomped him. "Thank you!" I smiled. I grabbed his hand and pulled him to buy the shirt. I stared at all the different clothes there. Vocaloid, Black Butler, Attack on Titan, Love Live... so many of my favourite things. "ONE SHIRT!" The Squip called to me. "You haven't got the money for more than one!" I made a face. "Ok, ok," I sighed grabbing hold of the Black Butler one. He smiled at me. "Want to make a detour and look at the musicals before we go home?" He whispered, even though only I could hear him. I laughed. "Yeah, let's go!" I grinned.

The Guy That I'd Kinda Be Into- Squip x Reader (Be More Chill)Where stories live. Discover now