Chapter Ten

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"Good to see you awake."

I glance to the direction of the voice. I was lying in my bed, blankets pulled over me, and a glass of water on the side.

"Michael?" I asked, my voice raspy. It was, he was sitting on a chair facing the bed with a cup of tea in his hand. "You're an idiot, (Y/N), even with a Squip," Michael stared at me. "I know I am. I've been an idiot to everyone, OK?" I replied, sitting up to have a sip of water. "What happened to me anyway?" Michael answered, "You collapsed in the bathroom that you went to. Chloe and Brooke mentioned you were away a long time so I went to check on you. Found you on the floor with Jake panicking about what to do, cause he can't do anything with two broken legs. You really made yourself ill." I glanced at him. "I'm sorry for being an idiot to you. And making you worry. I better apologise to Jake too." Michael stared at me, tapping his mug in thought. "My only question is, how did your Squip not realise you were so ill?" I flinched and looked into my glass. "He... he did." I mumbled. "(Y/N), listen," Michael spoke, "I think if your Squip knew you were so ill and didn't do anything about it then... Then I think you should deactivate it." I stared at him in disbelief. "No! The Squip knew I wasn't well but he told me what to do! I just didn't listen to him!" Michael looked unconvinced. "He could have taken over your body and made you sit down or something, even if you didn't listen. (Y/N), Squips are dangerous. I think you should deactivate it, just in case." I carried on tapping my glass. "My Squip... he's different." I muttered to myself. "You talk about it like it's a real person." Michael stared at me."He... feels real to me. He is real to me. He isn't just a computer, he's more than that." I replied, looking up to face Michael. "I've done my research, (Y/N). It's a computer. It's going to hurt you at some point." He explained. "Who says so?" I challenged. "The many people who've gone mad, (Y/N)! Why are you so protective of your Squip? I don't get it, what's so different about your Squip to the next?" Michael asked. "I-I don't know... but I have this feeling about mine.  He's never done anything to me. He's promised to protect me." I replied. "And you trust that? You trust a computer?" Michael asked me. I sighed. "Michael, listen. We're going around in circles here. I trust my Squip, you don't. I get that. I'm sorry for ignoring you and being a dick to you. Thank you for helping me. I... I really appreciate it." Michael smiled at me, and held his hand out. "Friends?" He asked hopefully. I grinned back and shook his hand. "Friends." I confirmed. "Look, I gotta go back to class. I'll see if Jeremy will come and visit you, but... well, he can't even see me. Catch you later, (Y/N)." Michael grinned at me before leaving.

The Squip reappeared and stared at me. "Sorry..." I muttered quietly. The Squip sat on my bed. "I told you, I just want you to be well and happy." I sighed. "I know, I'm just not a good listener." The Squip snorted. "You're right about that, you're not a good listener at all." I hit his arm as he laughed. "You're not meant to agree with me!" I pulled a face. The Squip laughed at me. "Sorry, (Y/N), but I can't help but agree with you." He placed his hand onto mine. "I know I'm repeating myself here but..." The Squip looked into my eyes. "I genuinely want you to be safe." I stared into his eyes too. "Why though?" I couldn't help but ask. "Why do you care about me so much?" The Squip rested his forehead against mine. "I don't know," he whispered quietly. "This... this isn't in my programming. Feelings aren't in my programming. I shouldn't be able to feel anything, Especially what I'm feeling." I whispered back, "What are you feeling?" The Squip sighed. "I can't name it. I care about you greatly, like how Michael and Jeremy care for you but... it feels more than that. It's so strange and special I can't even begin to describe it." I placed my hand on his cheek. "I've been having mixed feelings too. At first I thought of you just as a computer to help me... but now, you feel more like a person than a computer. You feel way more real and alive than I think I've ever felt. I haven't ever felt special, or wanted but with you... you make me feel like I'm cared about, much more than the way Jeremy and Michael have ever made me feel." I explained. The Squip stared at me, a light blush dusting his face. "I want to tell you how I feel, how you make me feel," The Squip glanced down, "But I can't , I can't even think of one word to even begin how I'm feeling. I want to be able to tell you someday." I smiled gently at him, and kissed his cheek. "You will," I comforted him, my own face as red as him. "You will someday." The Squip smiled back and handed me my glass. "Drink, it'll make you feel better."I sipped the water. "Squippy?" I asked. He glanced at me. "What's the matter?" I looked back at him. "This is going to sound weird, but... do you think you can read me a story? So I can go back to sleep?" The Squip smiled again. "How about Rapunzel? Because it's one of your favourite Disney films." He questioned. I grinned and lay back down listening to the Squip's voice as he told the story. "Long ago, lived a farmer and his wife. One day, they tried to pick lettuce from their neighbours garden. They didn't know that the elderly lady was actually a witch. So in return for the lettuce, the couple had to give up their first born. So a few years later, they gave birth to a girl, who they named Rapunzel. Which actually happens to be the word 'lettuce'..." The Squip paused. "You fall asleep quickly," He whispered, the corners of his mouth flicking upwards. Leaning forward, he kissed my forehead. "Sleep well slugger, you have a big day tomorrow."

The Guy That I'd Kinda Be Into- Squip x Reader (Be More Chill)Where stories live. Discover now