Chapter 13

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"So, you've still got your Squip?" Jeremy looked at me. I nodded. "And yours is gone? No more evil mind-controlling robot trying to take over the world?" I questioned. Jeremy sighed. "Kind of. It's still there, but I keep it quiet with daily mountain dew. It's gonna bite me in the ass when I'm older, I'm sure." Placing a hand on his shoulder, I have him a comforting smile. "It'll be ok though. For now, all we can do is live our life as happily as possible." Jeremy kissed my forehead. "(Y/N), I'll never be able to repay you for what you've done." I laughed slightly. "It was Squippy who told me what to do. I just stood there unsure. I'm not the hero in this story." Jeremy faced in my direction. "Look, (Y/N), remember you can get rid of the Squip, it's-" I held my hand up to interrupt him. "Jeremy, I'm not getting rid of my Squip." Glancing at me, Jeremy patted my head. "One day, then, you'll have your story, I'm positive."

Looking out towards the horizon, I pondered on Jeremy's words. "Shh, you did save them." I turned around and the Squip was looking at me with his arms behind his back. "I wouldn't have been able to though if it wasn't because of you, and you know it." I replied with a sigh. He walked up to me and hugged me close. "Why don't you believe that this is your story, (Y/N)?" The Squip whispered. "Because I didn't do anything on my own." I whispered back.

I pulled away from the Squip. "Your friends are over there." The Squip gestured to the right. "Thanks Squippy," I smiled, and leant up to kiss him. I quickly ran over to everyone: Michael, Jeremy, Christine, Brooke, Jenna, Jake, Chloe and Rich. "Rich!" I called over to him. He smiled. "Hey sucker. I heard about those messages you wrote. So, thank you." I hugged him and walked over to Michael. "Can you believe it? Jeremy gets the girl, you get a kinda guy and what do I get?" I grabbed his arms. "You get awesome brand new friends, and a bunch of nerd friends who realise how stupid they've been." Michael smiled down at me. "(Y/N), you don't understand how much we appreciate you." Jeremy walked over to us, hand in hand with Christine. "Look, (Y/N), Michael, I almost destroyed the school, maybe all of human civilisation, so the last thing that I deserve is a second chance but um," Jeremy murmured. "Jeremy, speak," Michael commanded. "So what is trying to say is, I'm sorry. Truly sorry." Jeremy looked at us with pitiful eyes. I nodded. "We know." I replied, looking back at him softly. Michael nodded and pulled Jeremy into a close hug.

Sneaking away from the boys moment, I wandered over to Jake. "Hey Jake," I gave him a patient smile, though my cheeks were aching from giving everyone fake grins and trying to seem happy for everyone. Jake seemed to see through me. "What's up, (Y/N)? Why do you look so down in the dumps?" he questioned. I shook my head. "It's nothing, I'll be OK. How are you? How's your legs?" I replied with concern. "Ahh, they'll heal. Physiotherapy is pretty shit to be perfectly honest. But it'll be OK, eventually," Jake took my hand suddenly and I glanced down at him in his wheelchair. "Everything will be OK, (Y/N)."

"(Y/N)?" The Squip called to me. "Ready to go home?" I gave a small sigh and took his hand. "What's wrong?" He questioned me. "You can read my mind..." I replied shortly. The Squip shook his head. "I stopped. I thought you'd noticed. It gives you more privacy. Talking is important in a relationship, (Y/N)." We paused in our steps. "What are we, Squippy? I'm a person and you're a computer. How does this work?" I asked exhausted. The Squip murmured under his breath, "I- I thought you were happy." I shrugged my shoulders, unsure of my feelings. "I don't know what I am. Squip, I do love you, but," The Squip pushed me slightly, "But?" I sighed once more. "But I'm not that good of a person. And you should know that. You've been in my head. You still are in my head." The Squip looked at me sadly. "I can help you, my primary function-" I glared at him. "You're broken! You helped for a while but now you're making me question what's reality and what's my imagination!" I shouted. What was this? Why am I like this? Why must I feel the I way I do? The Squip hugged me close. "Listen, (Y/N), if you're struggling this much then... you can get rid of me. But, I'll try to help you throughout this. We can work. We will work, I promise you." I smiled against his chest. "Thank you, Squippy." I smiled up at him and kissed his cheek, before running forward to join Jeremy and Michael in their celebration, all of us happy, and safe, together.


I watched as (Y/N) ran on forward to join her best friends. She was finally happy, I was happy. This is all she really, truly wanted. She wanted to be happy with loads of friends. To overcome the internal fear she had hidden away from everyone.  Flashing lights suddenly shone in my vision, interrupting my train of thought about the beautiful person who often invaded my mind.


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The Guy That I'd Kinda Be Into- Squip x Reader (Be More Chill)Where stories live. Discover now