Chapter Two

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Nothing happened... Nothing happened. I just took a random drug from Rich and expected it to make me cool... wow. That must make me even more of a loser. I probably just took steroids. As I arrived into the school, Michael and Jeremy called me over. "(Y/N) where did you go yesterday?" Jeremy asked me. "Oh, I just went to see a teacher about one of my exams, no biggie." I replied with a smile. Michael put his left arm around me and then his right arm around Jeremy, like we always do. "We've got English first, right?" Jeremy asks, and I nod, as we reached our classroom. There is plenty of time before the class starts, so I take out my Heathers notebook and doodle. I heard sniggers as some of the popular girls walked in. Solid Teflon, those girls, just like the Heathers. "Look at that musical nerd." They said. I glared at them as they walked over to their own seats and I spot Michael and Jeremy glance at me.

"Ow," I suddenly said, as a jolt ran up to my head.

Target female inaccessible.

"What the hell?!" I shouted as more pain ran through my body, leading towards my head.

Calibration in progress. Please excuse some mild discomfort.

"Mild?!" I shrieked, the pain increasing slightly. "(Y/N), are you OK?" Michael called out to me, and I heard someone say, "The freak's freaking out!"

Calibration complete. Access procedure initiated.

The pain I felt suddenly stopped. I glance at my two best friends. "I'm fine, I just need-"

Discomfort level may increase.

All of a sudden my body felt like it was being electrocuted, from my feet up towards my head, and I screamed out as the pain increased more and more.

Accessing neural memory. Accessing muscle memory. Access procedure complete. (Y/N) (L/N). Welcome to your super quantum unit processor. Your SQUIP.

I look ahead of me and I see a male in a large black trench coat. "You... you look like Eric William Morris... you know, that amazing actor?" I said. He glanced at me. "Of course I do, I look however you want me to look." He replied in a matter-of-factly tone. "So you're my Squip, correct?" I asked. "Yes, that is correct." The Squip nodded. "What do you do then?" I asked again. "My purpose is to assist you and make you happy." The Squip glanced at me. "You want to be popular, correct?" I nodded.

"Take your hands out of your pockets." The Squip told me. "Oh, ok..." I complied. "Arch your back, puff out your chest." The Squip commanded me. I followed his instructions again. "Your stammering is a chore." He criticised me. "W-w-what?" I stuttered. "Your tics and fidgets are persistent and your charm is non-existent. Fix your vibe and then fix some more." The Squip pointed to me fiddling with my hands.








"Everything about you is so terrible. Everything about you makes me wanna die." The Squip told me. "Jesus Christ..." I muttered to myself.

"So don't freak out, and don't resist, and have no doubt if I assist. You will, Be More Chill! First things first go buy a new shirt!" The Squip pointed to my Hamilton shirt. "What's wrong with my shirt!" I argued. He placed a finger over my mouth. "Shh, it's better if you just comply. My job is to colour your aesthetic, and make you seem much less pathetic. Just step and fetch, don't ask me why!" I found myself needing to ask a certain question. "How are you with maths homework?" The Squip bent to my level. "I'm a super computer, (Y/N), I'm made of math."

"Now, try picking out a new shirt." The Squip commanded me. I glanced at all of the shirts on sale. I spot a cute Dear Evan Hansen shirt and I go to reach it before The Squip grabs my hand. "A different shirt," He sighed. I grab a random shirt, one with the Snapchat ghost on it. "That's better, now isn't it?" The Squip smiled, pleased with himself. "I don't know anything about Snapchat though!" I protested.

"Musical nerd?" Oh no, it's Chloe. "It's (Y/N)," I replied quietly. "You shop here?" She asked. "Yeah all the t-" I started before The Squip interrupted my speech. "Never," He said, and I found myself repeating him. "Never." I replied to Chloe with confidence. "Greet the beta." The Squip commanded me. "Hey Brooke!" I spoke. "Hey (Y/N)." Brooke replied to me. Chloe pointed to the top I was holding. "OMG you have Snapchat! You have to give me your details!" She said, pulling out her phone. I found myself saying a name, what the hell? I didn't even have Snapchat!. Chloe said, "Thanks babe!" before leaving with Brooke.

"Did you do that?" I asked. "Did what? Give you a Snapchat name? I created one because I predicted that one of the girls would ask you about it." The Squip replied. I nodded slowly, and we walked to pay for the new top. "Well, I better head home then." I murmured. "Of course, it's late now." The Squip placed his hand on the small of my back as The Squip escorted me home. Red flushed to my cheeks, and The Squip chuckled. "What?" I glanced at him with a puzzled expression. "Nothing, nothing~" The Squip mused, and before I could question any more, we reached my house.

Climbing the stairs, I reached my bedroom ready to start on any work I had been given during school. The Squip looked at me disapprovingly, or more like stared. "What? What's not to your satisfaction?" I asked with a sigh. "Your room," The Squip pointed to the posters planted around my room. "They're anime posters." I nodded, "And? Aren't you from Japan?" The Squip sighed at me. "Yes, but my job is to make you chill. Anime isn't going to help you in any way. I don't think you understand what I'm getting to." I blinked innocently. "Who exactly is going to see my room apart from you?" I stated, before turning to my work. The Squip bent over my shoulder to see. "Maths, huh?" He said gently, his breath tickling the nape of my neck. My face flushed red again and he laughed cutely. "Aww, nice to know you think it's cute." The Squip teased me. "Wait- you can read my mind?!" I shrieked. He laughed again. "Of course I can, I'm in your brain. You've just realised, (Y/N)." He mocked me slightly. "All right, you can shut up now." I huffed. "Can you just help me with this work please?"

"Of course."

The Guy That I'd Kinda Be Into- Squip x Reader (Be More Chill)Where stories live. Discover now