Chapter Eleven

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I woke up the next morning feeling so much better than I had the day before. Rubbing my eyes, I sat up. "Good morning!" The Squip walked into my room and placed a plate of bacon onto my lap, and kissed the top of my head. "Thank you," I smiled, holding his hand and digging into my food. "Are you feeling well enough to go to school today?" He asked, rubbing the back of my hand with his thumb. I nodded. "I feel so much better today!" I grinned. The Squip smiled. "Good, I'm glad. Come on then, let's get you ready for school." The Squip grabbed my coat and scarf and wrapped me in them. "Squippy," I spoke, my voice muffled by the scarf, "I'm not going to get ill again." The Squip looked at me with concern. "Just in case," He mumbled. I giggled slightly. He was so worried about me getting ill again. "I don't want you collapsing again!"

"Stop doodling in your maths book," The Squip criticised me. Another boring maths lesson where nothing meant any sense to me. "Why? Nothing makes sense." I replied. "Then focus, and maybe it will." The Squip made me stop drawing. I sighed. "Focus!" The Squip encouraged me. "I'm just wondering about tomorrow," I said. The Squip glared at me. "Stop wondering about the play and WORK!" I groaned putting my head to the desk. "(Y/N), you're back!" I looked up and was greeted to a hug from Chloe. "Hey, Chloe," I laughed as she hugged me. "You're all better now, right? I'm so glad!" I smiled. "Seriously though, don't do that again! You can't just collapse on us again!" Chloe glared at me. "Sorry, Chlo, I'll try not to," I laughed slightly. She swung her arm around me. "Good, we can't have you worrying everyone again!" She grinned. "Talk to you later (Y/N)," Chloe waved goodbye. "I better find Jake and thank him," I said to The Squip. He nodded. "He was the one who found you, after all." We walked off to find him.

Jake was standing in front of Rich's locker. I hadn't seen his locker properly since the fire. Messages ranged from "We miss you!", "Get well soon!" to "Arsonist" and "Hope you die." I glanced at The Squip. "I hope Jake is ok," I muttered. He nodded in agreement. I tapped him on the shoulder. "Hey Jake, err... thanks for taking care of me for a bit when I collapsed yesterday. Also I'm sorry about your house and your legs. If you need any help give me a shout." I gave him a gentle smile. He smiled back sadly. "No problem, (Y/N). Also thanks, I really appreciate it." Jake turned back to the locker. "I just wish people would stop writing these horrible messages, you know?" I glanced at him. "You got a pen?" I asked. Jake gave me a puzzled look, but handed me a Sharpie. I crossed out Arsonist and Hope you die, and wrote Best Friends: they know how stupid you are and yet still choose to be seen in public with you . Jake smiled at me. "Thank you, (Y/N). That makes me feel better." I patted him on the shoulder and walked away. The Squip grinned at me. "You've made him much more happier." I looked up at him. "I did a good thing?" I asked hopefully. The Squip kissed my forehead. "You did a good thing." He replied.

The Squip grabbed my hand as we walked back home. I glanced up at him and noticed a blush on his face. "Just... just want to hold your hand." He muttered. I smiled as I held onto his hand tighter. I unlocked the door and sat down onto the couch. The Squip joined me and placed his head on my lap. He grabbed my hand and placed them into his hair. "Play with my hair please," The Squip asked, looking at me with his bright blue eyes. I sighed, but I complied to his wishes. His hair was incredibly soft, and very silky, like velvet. I hadn't ever played with it properly messed around with it, but him asking me to made me feel incredibly comfortable. I went to move my hands to grab my phone, but he stopped me. "Please keep playing with my hair," The Squip pleaded me. I laughed, and continued. "Why do you want me to play with your hair suddenly?" I asked. The Squip shrugged. "Just like it," he replied simply. My phone suddenly started to ring. "Hello?" I spoke.

"(Y/N), it's me, Michael." I blinked, surprised he was phoning me. "What's up?" I asked. The Squip glanced at me, taking my other hand and kissing my fingers as I continued the call. "It's Jeremy." Michael continued. "I have a feeling he's got something bad. I think he's going to squip the school." I looked down at The Squip instantly, who was still lying down on me. "What would be bad about that? I mean, Squips help you, and they get you what you've always wanted." I replied. Would that idea really be so bad? I could almost feel Michael staring at me down the phone. "(Y/N), they're emotionally abusive! I've been thinking... I think your Squip is defective. Your Squip isn't mean to you, and you don't seem emotionally damaged by it." He answered. The Squip was now looking up at me, awaiting my reply. "Is... is my Squip broken?" I whispered. "I think so. (Y/N), you can't let Jeremy's Squip squip the school!" Michael exclaimed, before hanging up.

"(Y/N)," The Squip was still looking at me. "I'm... I'm sorry for being defective." He mumbled. I ran my hand through his hair. "It's not your fault you were programmed differently. Honestly, I'm kind of glad you're broken." I laughed. The Squip smiled at me. "Thank you, (Y/N)," he placed his hand on my cheek. "The Squips focus is to Squip as many people as possible but... I don't feel that way. I feel like my main focus isn't squipping people but instead... it's you." I smiled gently, kissing his forehead. "Thank you, Squippy." I grinned. "Now, let's go save a play!" I exclaimed, grabbing his hand and rushing to the school.

The Guy That I'd Kinda Be Into- Squip x Reader (Be More Chill)Where stories live. Discover now