School (Part 2)

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hey u guys! Wats up? how ar u spending ur holy friday?

here da chapy!

I got to school and waited for my brothers to get their butts here.

I heard the guys whistling at me. And suddenly I saw a Ferrari Red F430. I waited patiently and they got out and walked over to me and then like in a second lots of girls were surrounding my brothers. I really felt disgusted I mean they were barley wearing anything. Seriously?!

They were acting like I wasn't even there and worst of all was that they were she-wolves and human girls. I really don't care about the human girls but add the she-wolves, that's just for me to explode. I don't know why I just don't get along with them, maybe because I was a hunter. But the wolves didn't sneer at us because we hide our scent.

A couple of years ago the scientists for the hunters created this "perfume" for us to hide our scent so we can go and do as we please, but off course we would never abuse the power that we have.

So just because we were the new kids in town they thought we were some normal humans with good looks. hihi if only they knew.

"Excuse me ladies but the boys and I have better things to do than look at you nude, which is obviously disgusting if you ask me. Do us a favor and MOVE or I will do it for you guys! THANKS" and with that I walked through the crowd and went to the office to get my schedule.

As soon as I got in I was followed by my brothers. "Good morning, my brothers and I got signed in yesterday and they told us to come today, so would you be so kind to give us our schedules?" I asked politely.

"Sure honey, I'll give them to you in 5 minutes. And you guys need to sign here and get this piece of paper for your teachers to sign and bring it back here at the end of the day. Here you go, have a nice day!" the lady said excitedly.

"Ok thanks!" my bros and I signed and went to our lockers. Surprisingly all our lockers were beside each other.

"Okay you guys, let me see your schedules" I said. I had my first period with Nick. My second period with Jasper. My third with Sam. Fourth with all since it was lunch. But my fifth, sixth, and seventh period I was on my own.

"Come on Nick lets go to L.A." I said as I pulled him by the arm. We went in and everyone's eyes were on us. I just smiled and gave the 2 pieces of paper for the teacher to sign. Then I walked with my brother and took the seats in the back.

"As you can see class we have 2 new students, can u guys please introduce yourselves?" he asked.

Well I guess now is a good time to make an impression. So I began.


Lunchtime came and I was starving.

My brothers came to my locker to wait for me and we went down together. As soon as the doors opened everyone's eye was on us, but we swiftly went to a table and sat down. Then BAM about the whole female population were around us.

I felt eyes on me, but I brushed it off thinking some guy was staring at me. But now it was getting really annoying, but as I turned around I was met with the darkest blues eyes I've ever seen. He had black hair and was muscular from what it looked like. I swear he was hot! We kept staring at each other until one of my brothers coughed to get my attention.

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