Oh Damn! (part 2)

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i quickly got dressed and went down stairs.

i saw a small girl passsing by and i asked her where could i find Rourk and she said to take a left at the floor below us, i thanked her and went to search for him.

when i found him i knocked on the door and went in.

"Hey" i said

"How are you?" he immediatly came to me and put his arms around me.

since i loved keeping my personal space i pushed him and held up my hands, "ok so i appreciate that you helped me but i need to go, just tell me where the door is and i wont be more trouble that i already am" i said bravely.

"no, you could stay here, no one was at your house" he replied but seemed angry that i pushed him away.

"what happened, when i found you, you were knocked out and brused, but now-" he looked at me up and down "you look like ur in good shape and u didnt get hurt in the first place" 

i tried to play dumb "no ur probably mistaken" i said

"i usually go to the forest to relax and most times i fell asleep, and i end up messy, yeah thats it, well im going" i went and with a tad of the super speed i have i left the door, while talking i discreetly put a spell on him, so his movments were much slower than normal.

i quckly speed walked/flew until i was outside. 

i started to pick up speed when i noticed that wolves were around me

 i suddenly feel a huge pain coming from my left legand that what made me fall and land hard on the ground.

i start tumbling forward and all of a sudden my head lands on a rock and i got knocked out


 really i need to stop hitting my head, its going to a point to i dont fel the pain anymore, maybe im dead, well at least i'll be resting in peace..........

 i slowly opened my eyes and Rourk was sitting in a chair beside the bed and was dozing off.

He looked really hot, i mean he gave the aspect of a bad boy but deep down it was also of someone that needs attention and didn't get it as a child.

i slowly got up and the moment i did, he opened his eyes, the staring contest lasted for 5 min but whos counting, anyways neither of us wanting to be submissive. i know that he wouldnt because he is alpha but me well ive always been defiant even with my elders.

i tried to read his mind but i couldnt and it was really aggrivating, it was like a block and i've just noticed i havn't heard any thoughts from no one, thats weird oh well i'll figure out something, Oh shit! what happened to my parents are they ok? ar they hurt? will i see them again?.....

i suddenly hear a growl and i feel hands on my arms, i knew i was going to die!, what did i do to deserve this?! i now i killed but i was helping save the worls! dont you god see that!? oh god im doomed! i started ranting in my head when i faintly noticed that he was just getting me comfortable and giving me a sandwich.

i slowly calmed down and took deep breaths. "what happened to me?" i asked  but i needed to be confirmed.

"well you fell and hit your head in a piece of rock, oyu should really see where ur running, u almost gave me a heartattack back there" i said sadly

i instantly felt pissed at myself, but why? since we were mortal enemies Yeah keep telling ur self that! i heard bu selfconious say to me.

Well what am i suppose to do then???

"im sorry but i need to go and i need to see my parents" i said

"i've send in wolves and they said there was no one there" he replied

"what do u mean wolves Rourk?" i asked already knoeing what he meant.

"what im going to tell you is going to sound-" i started

i sighed" just tell me"

"im a werewolve, im alpha, alpha is like a leader in your world, everywolf has a mate, its short for a soul mate, and when that wolf has found his mate, he smells an amazing scent only mates can identify" he told me.

"i believe- no i KNOW ur my mate" he finished.

Hey u guys, so i needddddd help, should i stop it here and start a sequel or keep going with 3 more chapters and then start the sequel there.

i would really appreciate t if u leave comments thanks







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