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u guys im soooo sorry i couldnt wirte and i still cant, my fone is dead and broken. Plus i've just sarted school again  yeasturday and i have major writers block, i know this isnt an excuse cuz i promised i was suppose to update but i cant rite now, but the good news is that by the end of next week i have to finish the book one way or another, im planning to do a squel, hopefully the next time around i can make a better job than i've done woth this one. 

and thank the people that are with me up till now, well i just wanted to tell u guys really quick cuz i didnt want u to get more mad than u already are, pleaseeeeeee dont hate me, well i'll try to update in the weekend, hopefully at least 3 chapters since now i know what im gong to write.


dark-flame ;)

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