Getting back on my feet

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Hey you guys well i know the title sucks but oh well i couldnt come with anything better since i need to finish the book like pronto, plus in a later date im going to go back to fix my grammer errors so dont worry people well anyways im think of writing this chap and then an epilogue.

wat do u think?

i suddenly felt being flung in hard solid rock, DAMN! maybe i should have just died but i knew that i couldnt leave the pack unprotected and i couldnt leave my mate, life was just to precious to throw away so now im suffering the consecuenes. UGG! this really hurts...

"dont you dare turn the machines of, oh so god help me you will be declawed and ripped from your canianes" i heard a familiar voice call out in anger but hurt as well.

as soon as i heard the voice i want to comfort him so i slowly turned my head to the side and opened my eyes slowly, everything was blurry but at once everything was clear to me, what happened in the battle, how i died, i talked to the moon goddess and how i made the decision to came back.

i suddenly was wrapped in someones arms

i heard gasps around me "this cant be?"  "how is it possible"  "she never showed any signs''  "imm getting to old for these types of excitements"

"quick get the beather for her and give her room she need to get her head cleared up and bring her the blue water" i heard the doctor say, i turned my head he was an old man, not super old like a human but enough that you could see that he put his whole life in the work and how much he loved it.

"how are you sweetly?"Rourk asked

"im fine hon, just a little bruised but i'll get better. i cant have the title of the deadlist hunter for nothing right?" i tried to joke but i saw hurt in his eyes but also relief that i was with him and not dying.

"god i thought i lost you" he said not letting me go and got in the hospital bed with and and we just lay their, the best part of our reationship is that we didnt have to talk we just needed to know that he was there and that was enough.

"now can you tell me who you really are?" he asked shly but was also determined.

"I-I dont think you're ready to hear who i am yet, its alot you have gone though but tomorrow that you have had a good nights sleep, i will tell you. just promise me that you wont judge until you hear the whole story. "i looked at his eyes pleadingly

he sighed "ok beautiful as long as you tell me and we can try to make this relationship work than i'll do as you say" he said and tightened his arms around me.

i just lay my head agains this chest amd fell asleep

                                   >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>next day>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

"hey good morning" he said and looked down at me

"hey" i smiled at himwhat the-? why are you glowing?" he asked surprised

i lay my head on top of his chest and pulled my hand in front of me "relax, im glowing because my body is healing and im very happy, i havent glowed in awhile" i said

suddenly i closed my eyes and stopped the glowing.

i opened my eyes with him staring at me amazed but also confused "what did you do?'' he asked

"well i turned the glow off" i said smiling

"hey you want to have breakfast?" i asked getting up "where do you think you're going?" he asked

"well im hungry so im going to make myself something to eat and if you want anything than tell me and i'll make it for you" "anf you think im going ti let you when you just got better, no and no" i'll just make it and you relax" he said firmly

i rolled my eyes ant him "dont you dare-" i stuck my tongue at him i heard him griwl at me HAHA! how much i missed it

 "watch this" i said and in half a second i was in front of thedoor and in another second i was in the ktichen

"what- how -did" i came to him and put my pointer finger over his lips, abilites from being a hunter, its not abnormal or something, i just smiled at him and gave him a hug.

"ok im up and better, so what do you want or do you want me to pull a spell on you so u'd stay still?" i asked trasingly and sweetly

inside i was laughing my butt off.

he jus have me the stink eye and sat down while pouting

"i'll eat whatever you eat, its fine" he said ans started to look at me sideways

"ok so i want pancakes, french toast, coffee" i put my finger on my lip thinking"-oh and....fri=uit salad" i walked up to him and put my arms around him, "dont get scared, im going to do something that you dont see everyday so try to keep an open mind about this ok?"

he nodded and i gave him a peck on the lips and went to ready for the breakfast.

i slowly spread my arms sideways and i closed my eyes and all the ingredients i needed came out

i opened my eyes and i turned around and saw Rourk with his eyes as big as saucers. i just winked at him and turned around, i got the measurements in my head and with my mind i made the items do as i commanded them to do.

After 5 minutes everything was in order and the things i didnt need were put back into place and i called wind to clean all the dust and flour and deposit into the sink. After 15 minutes the food was ready and the coffeee as well i levitated everything in the air and set them gently at the table and got realy to eat, but Rourk was still staring at me dazzed 

"hey time to eat"i said chuckling and waving my hand in this face.

he shook his head and smiled at me "wow you're really different, i'd always thought the hunter was serious, mean, stiff, uncaring and cold, but you're not, you're the complete opposite of everything i've always been told. im so lcky to have you" he said smiling and grabbing my hand 

OMG how cheesy but i liked it, i gave him a smile and gave his hand a squize, "i'll always be there for you no matter what, even if i have to be from a distance" i remember those 4 weeks and look somewhere else

"hey dont look no where else" he said while pulling my face to look at him, now that there will be no more secrets between us, you need to trust me" he said

i leaned my face against his hand and smiled at him 

"lets eat" i said and smiling at him

"ok" he said and we started eating, i knew the inevitable is coming i just didnt know how i was going to go through this but i had to, i needed to, a relationship i built on trust not on lies.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>30minutes later>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

i grabbed his hand and pulled him to hte livving room and to the loveseat, i sat down and he sat beside me wrappig his arms around me, i took a deep breath and i beguntelling him "once a upon a time......."

after 2 hours of me just explaining everthying and him just listening and nodding looking thoughtful i finished and leaned against his chest.

he pulled me on his lap and we sat there thinking

i cant believe i finally opened uo to someone, it feels like the world os off my shoulders for the moment and it feels great.

"is that all?" he asked but he sounded tired and worn out, so we went to his-our- room and went to sleep the day away

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