What about me???

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"wow, i-i was to-toally not expecting this" i said

i reall was shocked not that he was a werewolve but that i was his mate

it just is so unreasonable, i mean how can a hunter and a wolf be mates?! its just impossible on so many levels! this has never happened in history

but that explains.....the awesome scent i've smelled the first tme i met him.

i get up and start pacing around the room trying to conjure a solution even an explaination of how did this happen.

he misinprets this, if im in shcok that he is a wolf, but its not that,  if only he knew!

he starts coming to me taking measure steps, i now he is being carefull since i could reject him or so i've heard.

"its going to be ok" he kept saying to calm me down.

"yeah-yeah, i think so, well i need to call my parents and go home i'll see u in school tomorrow" i said

"no, u ar staying here with me, listen when a wolf finds his mate he cannot be without her even for a couple of hours, its painfull to both of them." he explained.

i sighed i knew i was in a sticky mess, i just didnt know it was going to be this sticky. 

"how about this? i go home and see if i can contact my parents and if for some reason i cant find them i'll come straight here-" i cant believe im saying this OH Lord! 

"but you give me at least 2 day-" i was interuppeted with his whining "2 days???  thats to much time  no and no, u ar going now and if they are not here there than u WILL be coming here again. Are we clear?" 

"ok u ar not giving me orders, i will not submite to ANYONE, i dont care who u ar, i hate peolpe telling me wat to do, so dont ok?" i screamed

"Listen im the alpha" he started but i interrupted him

"so what, ur there alpha but not mine, im sorry but if u want somone to say ok to everything u say than find someone else, because i do wat  please, i dont let other people tell me wat to do and u  ogt another thing coming buddy, im independent, id grow up that way and im not changing it" i ranted brething heavily and was really angry

i took a step closer to him and poked his chest and said "if u dare claim that we are suppose soul mates than you better learn to respect others or else i can make myself disappear from ur life with a flick of my finger" i threaghtened, even though i meant it literaly i could also do it figuritivly.

he suddenly gripped my arms but not too hard and pulled me to him "ur mine dont ever forge that" he said while burying his head in the crook of my neck.

as much as i was mad at him i couldnt stay mad at him, god when did i turn into a softy, damn werewolve! 

i ever so gently went to put my arms around his neck and hugged him to me and we stood like that for a couple of minutes

"dont worry i wont go anywhere, but i have to go to my house and i'll stay for 2 days, plus u'll see me at school, i promise i wont go anywhere else" i said sincerly

he sighed "i guess i cant change ur mind?"

"no u cant plus i'll be save u dont have to worry" i said with a sad smile, for somereason i hated leaving him in this state.

"now i realy have to go" i said and took my hands and put them on either side of his face "but i'll be back, dont ever forget that, no matter what i'll always be back" i said truthfully and  left. He seemed to get my car from the garage and bring it here, hopefully he didnt suspect anything.


im getting really fustrated i just got back and im going to rip my hair, i swear! i cant believe not a message nor letter. Nothing! Nada! im really pissed but i knew they left on there own becuase if it was forced i would have sensed it and seem the ouse in shambles.

i call each cell 50 times each but whos counting?! im certainly not!

sighinng i went to the office of my father and set the cameras around the place to make sure no unwanted creatures coming this way.

after feeling safisfied, i went to take a long hot shower and went to bed, the last thing isaw was the face of my mate.


i got up slowly and took a shower and got dressed, since i was totally tired and didnt give a crap, i had on skinny jeans, black tank top and my brown long cardigan. i quickly put on my brown high heeled boots. i somewhat dried my hair and put it in a messy but elegant bun. then i went to my drawer and put on big black hoop earings. i finished the look with my eyeliner and lipstick from Babylips.

 got on my leaf and went to Doncun Donuts and bought my self a frappe and a sandwich.

since i had an hour before scool starts i went to the parking lot of the school and put my playlist on loud, so i can just focus on enjoying my breakfast, but of course not forgeting to get on wattpad on my phone.

i really love it since it has the best cheesy romance novels in the world and that what i neededd rite now. i just needed to relax and be muself. or else im going to explode and thats not something someone wants to see.

i flew through the day feeling depressed, and not in the mood of doing anything, but of coursee people didnt notice it, i just put on a good smile to everyone, but the only person i couldnt fool was Rourk.

It was like he was tuned to everything i did, it was unnerving but i felt cared for as well.

and that is how i spent the next 2 days. i was afraid of movinng becuase what if my parents got home and didnt find me there, i really dont want a fight.

but i preferred feeling the wath of my parents than not spending time with Rourk, he really was there for me and didnt push me to ask any questions.

but i now he is dying to figure me out, i just cant let him.

hey u guys? i know this chapter is boring and so is the next one but, the last 2 are going to be packed with secrets that will leave u guys breathless, and some of u would have figuered it out but i need comments to know.

So pleaseeeeee comment.

Good-Nite ;)


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