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Hey u guys!

i missed you 2 much. Well the name of this chapter sucks but oh well, if u have a better suggestion leave a comment. thanksssssssssss

here u go the chapy........

Today I thought off letting loose. And I don't mean going to the club I'm thinking more along the lines of going to the woods to a small clearing that's really deep and nobody goes there, not even the wolves, well the times I've gone they don't appear so I guess I'm safe for now.

I put on skinny jeans with a dark blue singlet. Next  I put on my black leather knee high boots and my signature black leather jacket. Then I went to my dresser and put eye liner and gloss.

I went back to my closet and got a black small duffel bag. I waved my hand over the sensor on the right side of the walk in closet and I opened my eye wide for it to scan.

Slowly the closet shifted, once it was filled with cloths now it was filled with every type of weapon you could think of and then some.

This is my sanctuary, I felt save here, well besides all the weapons, daggers, guns, swords, sais and their accessories, there was another shift in the closet.

This was my second change now where there were all these thing now stood the special cloths or extras that you'll need when you go fighting, hunting or just for protection.

The funny part is that I'm not girly but I have about 6 or 7 stations in my closet not counting the once with the armor and the other with the special cloths. 

No these were divided in according to the seasons (summer, winter, fall and spring).

But beside that i had one shift for the normal cloths, the second for clubbing and the third for special occasions and the fourth for badass so what i usually wear. HAHA

Ok so that's all. JK JK

Naw that is just cloths now to the shoes, I separate them in categories like  the cloes so each one has a partner. HIHI and would you believe it was my idea i mean i like to catagorize everything and it makes it much faster to get ready but this was totally my moms idea.

My brothers all have the same thing. And dont get me started on my parents stuff its so frickin hilarious.

Apparently my mom has this weird idea that we should never have a shortage of cloths no matter your a girl or not.

So all in all I have 18 shifts counting everything.

So to the matter at hand, I got a couple of tainted daggers and sleeping daggers and set them in a case, then I got 3 guns with extra bullets, these aren't your regular guns no these are filled with platinum, so one accurate shot to a werewolf and your the victor.

Also I got traps to set around, I got knifes and my all time favorite my hoverboard.

Since I already ate I got slung my back pack on my shoulder and went downstairs but not before getting my cell and keys.

>>>>>>>>>>20 min later>>>>>>>>>>>>

Since I was on my hoverboard I got there in 20 minutes flat.

Do you know what is a hoverboard? If you do great if u don't then I'll explain.

Its simply a surfboard but smaller and you control it to your ring that comes with it. I have a ring on my right ring finger which i just twist it to activate and since the board works with having metal it turns on.

I quickly set the traps and I get my playlist on my letting go list. 

I turn the music up on my phone and get in head-phones in. 

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