Back and better than ever!

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Hey guys we are going to be done this book in about 2 more chapters i think,  well just to let u know :)

It has passed exactly 4 weeks, 4 bloody like hell, weeks.

4 miserable and depressinf weeks, dammit!

in this time i found stuff out that i'd really didnt want to knoe, but i do and actually above this situation that is driving me from my mind, lots of things are getting cleared up.

first i found out that the vampire i killed was actually the wingmad of Ry and now he is on rampage trying to find me, since he knows how i kill and he sent him to kill me, what a coward, cant kill me himself, she sends his minions to do his bidding.

next i find that he has paid and sent other werewolves, vamps, faires, demons, witches and even other hunters?! to kill the pack, i was so infuriated when i found out about this.

so beside beating myself for hours training i do rounds regurarly at the borders of the pack to make sure no one gets near them, i told them that i would protect them and that is what im doing, every creature they send every single one i kill.

But the last part that really threw me off was when i found that my parents and brothers joined the vampires and specifically Ryder and they plan to kill my pack and staring going on a massacre in the US and then spreading around the world.

i mean thats why i couldnt feel no type od damage or anything.

i mean WTH why would they do that when its illigal, we (hunters) need evidence to kill but apparently the coucil doesnt know and they are hiding their tracks well and when the council does grase un with their presencd lots of packs will be long gone, so i do the next big thing.

i'll take it into my own hands.

After i found of all of this i went to spy mood and went to their base, with a couple tricks up my sleeve i was able to go one of the meetings undectected and found out that the day after tomorrow they are going to atack and when they get here i will be ready, even if it means me dying, oh well, i will do this for the pack and my mate.

Oh! how much i miss him. i missed how he hgged me when i was feeling down or just enjoyed the comfortable silence we had for each other, how it was enough for only the presence of the other in the room and we would hve been fine eventhough we didnt talk. now i know that i'll never have it.

im a hunter to my dead and no one is taking that away from me, i'll just have to accept it and move on, some people are just not meant to live happily ever after. Like me.

i had one more day to get ready so i traned from 7am to 10pm where i fell on the ground and i used a little of my strength and lifted myself and went to soak in my tub.

i stayed there for about 2 hours, just napping, i didnt really have to woory about the water getting cold since i put 2 fire balls in the bottom of the tub and kept it there, thankfully for that the water always stayed hot and steamy.

finally i got out and went to my bed, i hadnt eaten nothing all day but that was okay, i threw myself on my bed and got under the heavy cover, i was so warm and toasty i just wanted to sleep, but before i did i grabbed my ipad4 and checked the cameras i installed around the house and at the borders of the pack, about 10 minutes later my eyes started to drop so i turned out the lamp and ipad and went to sleep.


i awoke after 15 hours of sleep, i felt so fresh i wanted to fly all aorund the house instead of walking but i was extremly hungry so i floated from my baf and went to the kitchen.

i ended up with a stack of pancakes, 2 omlets, 1 toast, and my huge cup of cuppachino.

After eaing i went to take a steamy hot shower.

i had 1 and half to get ready for the fight.

i dried my hair and did a tight french braid.

i then put in black skinny jeans and a tight black tank top. and my black high heels boots. and my black leather jacket.

then i put 2 guns in my jacket and added extra bullets on the inside of the pockets.

i put on a couple bracelets on each hand, i didnt do this for fashion, no! i did this because every vampire is afraid of madia its like silver to if they get close and get hold of my wristes they'll be in for a big surprise! *notice the sarcasum

then i flled my every finfer on my hand with 1 ring.

The rings on the thumbs, ring finger and pinky provide protection of every spell that is thrown at me. the ones in my pointer and middle finger are so every spell that i throw its 10 times as strong as normal. 

i then put several knifes in each leg since the jeans provide hidden large  flat pockets si i could just slipp my knives in.

i also put my sais. and i miniturized my sword if i would need it.

then i put daggers on the put part of the sleeves of my jacket.

i did a once look over  and was satisfied with what i was looking at and left but not before getting my hoverboard.

i have been flying for half an hour and no body from the pack was there. i was getting worried did i miscalculate and they were already gone.

i got off and miniturized it and put it in my pocket. i went around the pack grounds and it looked deserted

i started walking for 20 minutes when i heard a growl and a get away from here.

i kew who that voice belonged to so i started to fly there.

i just hope that im not too late.....

cliffhanger.......until nest time..............

dark-flame ;)

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