Weird Moment

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ok so the title is totally crappy, can u guys help me get a better title and i'll give u full credit for it, pleaseeeeeee well i really dont know what u guys think of my story, sometimes it saddens me wheu guys dont say anything, am i doning something bad?  i would really like to know.

if u guys have any questions whatsoever about the story, ask and i'll help u as much as i can, or if u have any sugg for the sequel i'll be happy to hear it from u.

well that all i have to say for the moment, if u want to know sooner rather than wait until sunday thats when i'll update send me a comment, really pp, the more pp tell me to get on with the story the faster the chappies ar going to go out, its up to u.

good nite

Dark-flame ;)

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