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hey u guys i added a  couple new caracters to the mix, if u get confused just leave a comment thankssssssssss

also i know that i've not updated but i've been online, its just dat i've been reading and seeing if i find any inspiration to mak it good for u guys. im really sorryyyyyyy


Keegan Cole 17, junior

Nick Cole 18, senior

Sam Cole 18, senior

Jasper Cole 18, senior


Drake Cole 30 (Keegan's dad)

Layla Cole 28 (Keegan's mom) 


Rourk Slayer 17, junior (upcoming alpha)

Daniel Roor 17, junior (upcoming beta of Rourk)

Jake Ishcom 17, junior (upcoming third in command)


Shane Slayer 30 (Rourks father- Alpha)

Jennifer Slayer 28 (Rourks mother- Alpha Female)

Xiaver Roor 30 (Daniels father- Beta)

Kate Roor 28 (Daniels Mother- Beta Female)

Theo Ishcom 30 (Jakes Father- Third in command)

Ginger Ishcom 28 (Jakes Mother- Female Third in command)


Ryder Vamp 700 years old

*his beloved was killed by Keegan accidently* not really she wanted to kill Keegan but Keegan killed her first, but he didn’t know that. her name is Kayla.

heres ur chapy...........

the next day Rourk met me when i got of my ducati and asked me if i wanted to join him for lunch and i accepted.

so now im sitting wth his friends and they seem pretty friendly except there is this blond chick that is giving me the stink eye, i really dont know why and its annoying me to no end.

i see the looks that she is giving Rourk and its irritaing me but when he isnt looking she staring daggers at me.

god some people are really annoying and the worst part is that my brothers are also pisssed to say the least, actually saying that they are pissed is an understatement they look furious but i know that i dhould have told, but instead i just walked with Rourk and didnt give them a sign or anything and they are reallyyyy unset.

"Keegan?" a hand flew in front of me face and i on instinct curled my hand and punched the face that was in front of me

"Geez woman, if i knew that you like to hit i'd never get near you again" the guy named Daniel whined and massaging his cheek

when i turned around i was shock Oh Shit!

"OMG i'm so sorry! Are you ok? i didnt mean it? it was by accident, damn ur cheek looks like a tomato" i started laughing uncontrolling until i sobered up and left but came back with ice.

i went to sit by him and made him look at me and pressed the ice to his cheek.

"he isnt a little kid he can take care of hiimself" Rourk grumbled when i was holding Daniels face in my hands

i looked at him weirdly and gave him a knowing smile, shaking my head told him that if i'd hit him instaed i would do the same thing for him

meanwhile the blond chick i think her name is Chelsey said "only a hunsher kam jit lic dat" she mumbled with Rourk's hand over her mouth and him telling her to shut up

The Hunter (editing)Where stories live. Discover now