School dance (part 1)

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 It has passed 2 days and i've been worry endlessly, i've not slept and have not gone to school.

 so i train to my limit these 2 days, at the end of the day i practically crawl to the shower to get rid of the sweatness and then i go to bed. im so mad that they left without a single good bye.

and no! im not rashing things, but when i was younger i did a spell by accident and i got conncted to all my family memeber, i cant feel them but if they are in danger is only when i know that they need help.

so im a mess right now. Grrrrr

But true to my word i pack my things and get ready for Rourk to pick me up and drive me to his house, i still cant bellieve i actually accepted to this thing. sometimes i dont think beofre i act and see where it gets me.

In the afternoon he sent me a txt that he will be here aroung 7:30 and on dot my doorbell rang. 

i havent seem him in 2 days and for some reason i was really excited instead of being scared and nervous.

"Hey" he said

"Hey" i replied back and went to take my bad but he beat me to it.

"Did you really think i'd let u take it?" he said smiling

i giggled at him and it seem to relax him a bit, even though he seems really tense.

i checked the house quickly and in my other bag i had hidden my weapons, i changed the size of my weapons, so at the snap of my fingers the weapon would appear in my hand and ready to attack. As quickly as i dont that i went to lock up the house and when he turned i out a shield up so no one has access to the house but my family members and myself.

When i got to the car he opened the door for me, i just tossed him a small smile and got in, he smiled at me in return.

When he got in he started to drive and with his other hand he gabbed my hand, i automatically tangled my fingers with his and he gave me a sideways smile.

i laid my head back and thought over these 2 days that have past, if they dont want to be contacted then so be it! i will not beg. i'll wait for them to call me and if they call me.

i suddenly felt this safe feeling when im thinking sbout his pack than with my own family, it was wierd, i thought it was supoose to be the otherway around but things change right?!

when we got there Rourk put his arm around my waist and together we walked to the house, it was like we were communicating through a mindlink, since words werent needed until the very last thing.

He showed me a door "this is where i sleep and this is where you'll be sleeping" he pointed to a door beside his. Iwalked to the door and looked inside. i was really shocked to say the least.

the room was beautiful, it was a black with red room with golden strips and the best part it had a balcony. i was practically jumping aroung. i turned around and hugged him "thank you, you-you didnt have to" i say smiling.

he automatically hugged me back and smiled down at me, he started to lean down to kiss me and you know what, go to hell the STAY AWAY FROM WEREWOLVES i also leaned in until the door was opened wih the guys. 

 i suddenly jumped back and blushed, when they noticed they started sturring "im sorrys" to us. i started laughing that they seem all cold and tough but they really arent. 

"Well we were thinking of going down stairs to watch a movie, do u guys want to come?" Daniel asked

"yeah sure, i'll love to" i said smiling.

and thats how the 2 weeks pass, i interacted a lot with the pack and whe i mean a lot, i mean it. they are so nice, caring and loveable. I cant believe they say the are ruthless creatures of the moon when they really arent.

i think the huters are the most ruthlee creatures myself included.

i know im not super nice but i at least have some humanity when i go on missions. 

The relationship between Rourk and i started to grow expotencially, we are practically glued at the hip. You dot see us apart from one another unless im taking a shower or sleeping. Becasue even in the afternooons, i go to the backyard where there are hammocks where i go and read and put my music on. 

Rourk sometimes finshes his work early and comes to acompany me but most of the time we fall asleep in the hammock together and then sometime later one of the pack members come with a blanket to cover us.

He eally is a gentleman, i just am really afraid when i tell him that i kill his kind, i really want to keep seeing him again and i want to spend the rest of my life with him buti know deep down its not possible.

one day he'll wake up and find me gone without a trace, i let a tear go since sometimes i hate my life and i need to let it out, i cant keep it all to myself its not healthy for me so when im alone is when i really let the tears fall like a waterfall.

**********************************3 months passed********************

 as of right now im sitting with my friends and mate (i cant believe im saying this!) at lunch when suddenly the principal announced there was going to be a a winter dance next week and there will be a contest in which couples dance and the best dance wins the title of king and queen of the winter dance, considering its November.

I cant believe how 3 months have past so quickly and i still dont know nothing about my family, but these days im just considering the pack as my family and them long family members.

how in 3 months i've come to love the pack, i got along with everyone, and maybe it helps that im their Luna.

when i first heard about this i was in shock but then i got used to it and it feels natural.

But i still havent told my mate about me. He has asked me multipli times but i never answer and he sighs but at least leaves me alone.

"so do u want to be my dance partner for the dance?" Rourk asks

i decide to tease him "ummm........well.... im not ....sure since i know how to dance ............and......i dont want to you to ......get ....hurt, plus you wouldnt be able to keep up with this" i ended with a wink

he growled at me like usually and pouted"awwwwwww bid bad alpha wolf is pouting?! HAHA" I lugh and the guys join in.

"mine" he says and pulld me on his lap and sniffs my neck 

"uggg fine, fine, i'll dance with you, put on one condition" i say smirking and he looks at me suspeciously "you better keep up or i'll find someone that can dance like per say Daniel" i smile and point at him.

"Rourk just holds me tighter and whispers mine in my ear. i just giggle since its so easy to get him mad. 

i decide to get him out of his misery "of course im going to dance with you, you dumbass" i turn around and give him a peck then i return to my eating my delious sandwich.

Hey u guys this is just a filler next chapter it starts to get interesting..... and how/why did her parents and brothers to go? if u have any idea comment it. i'd def like to hear what u guys come up with :)





good nite 

Dark-Flame ;)

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