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heres your chappy of the day ;)


so i forgot to tell you that i have these powers, well like a witches, you see its like this, many years ago the first ever hunters were blessed with powers.

And by powers i mean able to move things with my hands, read peoples mind, do spells, connect with the elements and most importantly can fly.

We had these powers to get even with the supernaturales around the world, but as the decades passed few hunters have obtained these powers.

And mysteriously i out of all my brothers got them, its really strange since its ALWAYS a guy. so when the council found out it was really a shock to everyone to say the least.

So they sent me to the elite academy to train and learn how to control my powers, also they fond out that im the strongest. It happened to be a bet actually.....

flash back.......

"I bet with all the guys against you you would stand a chance" Nathan taunted 

"you really want to bet?!" i retorted angrily

"of course, plus i'll finally prove you, that you cant do shit, plus i've never seen you do anything other than watch us do all of this" nathan said back

"well try me and see how that turns out for you." i smirked at him.

"Tommorrow. Noon.  Dress like you're going on the hunt" he instructed.

"Fine" i said and left.


i got ready and went to the DANGER ROOM and waited, not a second late and the guys appeared with Nathan in the lead.

"OK boys today we are going to see what this girl is made of" Nathan said to the guys 

 "Are you sure that we are permitted because you know that the principal will skin us if we lay a single finger on her" a blond haired guys said 

i smiled that at least they were nervous but i knew i had to proved to them if i wanted to get respected.

"lets begin" i said loud and clear, "get ur asses over here so we can start" i said with a evil smile and winked at them.

"stand in the middle and you are not allowed any weapons unless the once that you have already attached to your body.

"ok give your best shot" i smirked at him and got in the mddle.

"whenever your ready" i taunted

they standed in a circle and by 2 they stared attacking and the rule was to not kill them haha if only i could i could get them out under 5 miutes flat.

Well time to put my abilites to the test.

 I started to calm down and jumped high in the air and kicked them while doing a split at the same time throwing 2 knifes and then firing the 2 daggers i had attached to my wristes.

After taking out 6 men i got in defence and took out my sais and got in stance to attack when Brandon came at me with 2 swords.

i swiftly tangled them with mine and twisted them to an angle that i got them out of his hold and got them on the floor i came at him and kicked him in the stomach and punched his nose with the heel of my boot.

i lifted my leg and kicked Jeremy in the throat and spinned horitzontally in the air and landed on my other foot and grabbed him by the front of his shirt i flipped him over me.

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