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----------1 year passed--------------

From that day forward our relationship has bloomed into a beautiful rose that everyday it has grown bigger and bigger. it has passed a year and we married a month from that day.

i learned a lot of how being a luna, especially form his mom. She has helped me go through all these different changes in my life, the different holidays, the different types of ceremonies, the different ranks of each wolf ect....

i even have Chelsey as my best friend, i guess she needed the beating i gave her and to top it of how i protected the pack and everything so she'll give me a chance. in the beginning it was kind of wierd and uncomfortable but we pulled throw and now were bestfriends. In the end we founded that we have a lot of the same interests in life like traveling and exploring the world. HAHA! if only our mates heard us say that we'd be tied to their hips all day. 

i've also learned that being the alpha has the most responsability and everything is 10x more powerful, so he feels even more possessive of me, and more protective of me.

"hey girl, you ok?" Chelsey asked

"oh what hon? yeah just thinking of all that has happened last year" i say smiling, because despite all of the changes i love every second of it.

"yeah it might be hard for you" she said smiling warmly and gave me a hug.

"lets have a frappe and curl up with a good book, how about it?" she asked

"yes i need to get some reading done or better yet reading my book since the due date is in 3 months" i said

"fince however you want" she said and  30 minutes later we had everything we need and i took the hammock like usual and she took the love seat lie usual. and thats how we spend that day. in our own world but together.

After 6 hours the guys came and we both out cold, they picked us up bridle style and they carried us up to our rooms and at the end of the hall where we sparte the bete from the alpha we gave each other a hand shake and went to sleep again but now cuddled with our husbands.

i woke up suddenly from the bed and i felt the arm form my mate around my waist pulling me to him and i was about to go to sleep again when i noticed a note folded up nicely sorrounded by fire and was levitating in the air, i immdiately made a barrier around us to it wouldnt attack us and i pulled for the night the table and opened the seconf deawer and pulled out my rings. i swiftly desantangled myself from the arms of my mate and walked from the bed to the note.

when i read the note i almost lost my balance and started to cry but i had to keep it together.

Dear Keegan,

i will always be watching you, if you dont get out of the house and disapear in the next  hour your whole pack will be massacred and you will see your mate being killed slowly infront of you and you wouldnt be able to do anything since with a simeple spell, like "intherumps" will paralize you for at least until i finish killing him, so if you truly love him and your pack than you better move.

                                                                                                                            Sincerly, your bestfriend


and after the letter there was picture of all the borders of the pack, and the last picture was of Ryder with the most wicked witch there has ever been in the world. and the worst part was that my family was protecting the.

i crumbled the letter and slowly sank to the floor i cant believe after all this time.

i took a deep breath, i knew what i had to do, i went to suit up.

30 minutes later i had all the weapons i had brought with me, i left a note the table it says

Dear Rourk,

i had to leave, i couldnt let him hurt you or the pack, ask the elders the name of the worst witch in the world and you'll have your answer add my family and ryder, its an unstoppable force and i dont have anyback up, i need to keep you safe.

                                                                                                                              Sincerly, your mate  

                                                                                                                                               your love

                                                                                                             i will forever love you.

i left it on my side of the bed and went to his side, i gently and slowly kissed his cheek and ran my hand through his hair once, than i got up and made barriers aroud this room, then i went outside and made barriers around the houses ad the pack house and then a huge barrier around the perimeter of the territory.

i just hope that when i come back to put the barriers back up no one gets hurt.

before stepping out of th ebarrier i took one good long glance at my home, how much i will miss it,  but i knew that if i didnt do this, they would die and i definaty wouldnt to that to them.

i took a deep beath and started to walk on the dark cold forest.....leaving everyone i care about......my pack..... and most importantly my mate..........who i'd always love.....watch out Ryder im coming for you......YOU TOOK EVERYTHING FROM ME.......ITS TIME I RETURN THE FAVOR.........

i finally finished the book, i want to thank everyone that has been with me from the start.

so was the ending something you were suspecting or something??

tell me tell me, i'd like to know, well in a future date i'd start the sequel, i'd let you know

but in any case you want to keep it like that than just send it in and i'd decide again if im doing a sequel or not 

lov ya guys





bye for now...

Dark-flame ;)

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