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Im sooo sorry for not updating, im in exams and their driving me nuts!!! but the good news is that by the 16 or 17 i'll start updating like crazy. At least 3 chapys or more.

Wat ar ur thoughts on that?

sorry for any miss grammer, i'll come around to clear it up later on a later date.

ummmmm.... oh yeah, uh I  might start a new book while im writing this one but maybe I should  wait, tell  me wat u think pp.

I'll give u a little summary and u give me props, ok? k

so this one is going to involve a spy, her name is Jaqueline (spy) and she has to train these awesome hot guys. or she goes on this mission and has to get to know this guy, and kill him in the end. MAUHAHAHAA So which 1?

Give a couple of ur comments pleaseeee

also if u hav any sugg for the book im currently writing, give it, Im accepting anything rite now. and if u lik any chaps just hit like, it will be a great advantage to you since on the 16 (or 17) OF DIS MONTH,  i'll make the chapter really interesting AND LONG. and its a way of knowing pp actually lik my books and its not just me HAHA. well... 

SEE u guys later ;)




TXT —>

-Dark-flame ;)

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