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I escort Jamie to her audition. She has an amazing voice. I almost want to give her a part in my musical. Give her the role of Peggy Schuyler. But alas, that would be favoring her. The public doesn't even know V and I have a foster kid yet. So it would be best if I didn't.

"Jamie Luanne Mooring?" A woman calls. "Your turn to audition."

Jamie and I follow the woman. She hands Jamie a song. "This is gonna be hilarious." Jamie says. I smile and watch her get ready.

"This is a duet. Can your father help you?"

"Yeah." I say and clear my throat.


"Thank you for auditioning Jamie." The woman says and we go to my auditions.

Jamie walks inside ahead of me and runs to none other than Jonathan Drew Groff. One of my closest friends. "Jamie?" He asks as he spots her.

"Jonny?" She retorts and the hug. They release each other and Jon turns to me.

"Dude, this girl can sing her heart out. We worked together on Annie. She's amaze balls." The red head says.

"Jon, I see you already know my foster daughter, Jamie."

"Wait, what?" Jon turns to Jamie. "Foster daughter? What happened to your parents?"

"Well, Mama and Katelyn died in that car crash, which, Jonny my friend, you already know about. But a year ago, Daddy killed himself. So, yeah."

"I'm just glad Lin found you." Jon says and hugs my foster kid. Then he seems to notice the bandage on her arm. "Did you try to kill yourself again? Jamie, this is getting out of hand, don't you think?"


"In the two years since her mother died, she attempted suicide three times."

"No, Jonny, I didn't try to die. I just needed to be punished."

"Punished?" He looks freaked out. "For what? What did you do?"

"I broke a rule."

"Rules that no longer exist young lady." I say.

"Were they your rules?" Jon asks.

"No, they were mine." Jamie says and looks down, possibly feeling ashamed. Jon hugs her.

"Hey, Jam, you can talk to me any time. Okay?" Jamie nods into his chest. "You've got a friend in me."

"It's the hard knock life for us. It's the hard knock life for us." Jamie sings, loud and clear.

"Not anymore, Jam. I love you so much. Okay? You and me, remember, we are best buds. You're my sister at heart. Forever and always." Jon says. I wish I had that kind of relationship with her.


At the end of auditions, I see Jamie, sleeping on the floor, using my sweatshirt as a blanket and hers as a pillow. I lift her up and carry her to the car. She's pretty light for a 15 year old. When I buckle her in, her eyes open a bit. "Hey Lin, can I call you Daddy?" She asks.

"When you're ready." I say and kiss her forehead.

"Goodnight Daddy." I smile.

"Goodnight Jamie."

"You can call me Jam too, if you'd like." She says before falling asleep.

I drive, playing 21 Chump Street (he actually wrote that). I hum quietly, stealing glances at Jamie every now and again.

The First Private Orphanage: Adopted By Lin-Manuel MirandaWhere stories live. Discover now