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I walk into Lin's apartment with Vanessa and Sebastian. "Daddy!" I say, running into his arms. "I missed you!"

"I missed you too Angel."

"So, Vanessa, how do you feel?"

"Like I am going to burst." She laughs. "But it will be worth it."

"I can't wait for the baby to come."

"Me either."

"How about you two go play?" Lin says. I take Sebastian's hand and take him to the living room. "So, Vanessa. Have you felt anything lately?"

"No. The baby's settled down, getting ready." They talk as though Sebastian and I aren't there.

"So, it should be soon then huh?"

"Yeah. I'm kinda nervous. You know, I hear it doesn't get any better the second time around."

"I'm not looking forward to seeing you in pain. I didn't like seeing you in pain with Seb and won't with this little one." I look over and watch Lin lean in and wipe Vanessa's hair from her face. He rubs his thumb over her cheek. She puts her hand against his. They look like they did when they first brought me home.

Suddenly Sebastian starts speaking. "Mama, Daddy wuv each oter?" (These spelling mistakes were on purpose.)

"I wish." I mutter. Lin and Vanessa snap out of their daze and clear their throats.

"How about dinner?" Lin asks.

"Sounds good to me." Vanessa answers, getting up to help.

"Uh huh. You sit down. I'm cooking here." For a moment they look as though they are about to kiss. I desperately want them to. Want them to love each other.

"Vanessa, we aren't necessarily together." Lin breathes.

"That may be true, but," she takes his hand. Lin looks at her hand. His mouth opens slightly. I look to see what surprised him. What I see surprises me also. Her wedding band and engagement ring are placed on her ring finger again. They weren't there last weekend. "That doesn't mean we can't do this." She gestures around the room.

"Do what?" Lin asks, suddenly breathless.

"Co parent. Dance. Be best friends." Vanessa says and wraps her arms around Lin's neck, and he rests his hands on the back of her shoulders. "Dance with me."

"Okay." They begin to dance back and forth. Sebastian looks at me, his brown eyes begging me to lift him.

"Sissy. We dance too!" I lift him and I sway back and forth. I look to Lin and Vanessa. They look as if to be in love. I hope they are.

"Come home." I hear myself whisper. Sebastian looks at me, his lip quivering. I set him down.

"Daddy, do you have a guitar or something?"

"I think the neighbors do. Let me go ask."

A few minutes later, Lin comes back with an acoustic guitar. I thank him and rush off to write a song.

When I'm done, it's six o'clock. I go out to them. They're still dancing together.

"Ahem. I have something to show you." They turn to me. "I wrote you a song."


"Sing it." Lin demands.

"There was a time when she thought she could live without you. But on the day she visited you, children in tow, she realized something deep inside.

"She realized she can't live without you. She realized she needed you. But you seemed oblivious to it all. So oblivious to it all.

"And you didn't realize how much the children hurt inside. How much they needed a father everyday. How much you need each other. Until that day.

That day, she put her rings back on. She couldn't bare it anymore. She missed you like mad. That day. Everything changed. There was no more fighting. No more bad tension. Just love."

Both Lin and Vanessa look at me with wide eyes. I don't know if they're mad or happy or what they are feeling.

"You should know, Jamie, that I wore the rings to give them back." Vanessa says.

"No! You're lying! Please tell me you're joking. I need you both to be together! If you guys aren't together ever again, than I don't want to get adopted."

"Jame, I know it's hard but I don't think your Daddy would, you know, want to chance going back there. To that awful state."

"But you guys are back at the good times. Right? You guys have an air of love around you. It's radiating off you."

"I'm sorry babe, but even if your father was willing to, I'm not. I don't know if I ever will be."

"Mama, please don't do this to yourself. Please?"

"I'm sorry. But I've told you." I look to Lin for help.

"At least kiss. Once. So I'll have a memory of happy parents who are together."

"No. Lin, maybe I should go. I'll see you on Monday Jame. Sebby! Come give Mama hugs and kisses." He does as told.


Monday approaches fast and Vanessa comes to get us. "Hey guys." Lin sits at the table fiddling with Vanessa's rings. His too. He slips on his ring and walks to Vanessa.

"V," he starts, almost as if cautious.

"You haven't called me V in a longtime."

"V, I," Vanessa looks at him.

"Lin, spit it out. I need to get the kids home."

"V," it's like Lin can't piece together his thoughts.

"We have to go. Ready you two?"

"No." Sebastian says. He starts throwing a tantrum.

"Oh my god. I can not deal with this right now. Jamie, go get in the car."



"Daddy has something to say, so let him say it." I say. Sebastian nods and sniffles.

"Daddy talk now."

"V, I don't want to," Lin starts. "I don't want to lose you forever."

"Hate to break it to you, but you can't. We have two kids and one on the way."

"That's not what I meant. Vanessa Adriana Miranda Nadal, that name never gets old. Miranda Nadal." He sighs. "What I meant is that, I am regaining all of my good feelings for you. The song that Jamie wrote, it really put things in perspective."

"What are you trying to say?"

"Vanessa Adriana Miranda Nadal," he gets on one knee and takes Vanessa's left hand. "Will you do me the favor of staying my wife?"

Vanessa cups her mouth with her right hand. "Lin, I..."

"You don't have to answer right now. Just think about it."



"Yeah." Vanessa removes her hand from her mouth. "Yeah, I'll think about it. But for now, I gotta get home. Come on Jame, Sebby. Give Daddy hugs and kisses."

We leave Lin's apartment and go back to the house. I hope Vanessa says yes in the end. I really do.

The First Private Orphanage: Adopted By Lin-Manuel MirandaWhere stories live. Discover now