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Vanessa pats the bed next to her and I cuddle her. "I love you Linny." She says, resting her head on my shoulder and falling asleep.

"And I you, mi amor." I kiss her temple and watch the steady fall and rise of her chest. She did so great today.

All in all, Vanessa was in labor for 23 hours. Stupid dilation halted and they let her sleep for five hours. Glad they did. She also pushed for an hour. But the pain, it's over for her. Thank god.

Jamie sleeps on the couch. She didn't want to sleep at my parents' house. I guess I'm glad she stayed. She got to witness her mother saying yes. Just like she was hoping for.


Vanessa stirs a bit. Her eyes open to the sun peeking in through the window. My arm is around her waist. She turns to face me. Good morning V." I say and gently peck her lips.

"Good morning handsome." She replies with enthusiasm. "When can we go home?"

"Soon. I think." I don't really know, but I want to sound like I have some info.

"Should we wake her?" My wife asks, meaning Jamie.

"Nah. Let her sleep. You tired?"

"Surprisingly, no." Vanessa nuzzles her face into my neck. "All I want to do is be with you, hold you tight. Can we try not fighting?"

"Of course. I hated fighting with you V. You are my everything."

"Can I tell you something?"


"I wasn't going to say yes. But after seeing Alex, seeing the way you looked at me, the way it made me feel, I couldn't say no. I knew at that moment that I need you to be in my life. That I don't want to go another night without you in the bed with your arm around my waist. The way you caress my cheek before you kiss me. How you always laugh at my dumb jokes. And I love you more than words can say. I don't want you to like any other woman. Marry anyone else. I want you to be mine."

"I am yours V. Totally all yours."

"You're the best."

"I want you to know that I really do need you in my life V. Just as much as I need Jamie. By the way, now that we're back together, we should adopt Jamie."

"Let's make it more special. Wait a couple months more. She deserves her own day. Not the day after her brother was born."

"Okay. Sounds good to me." I let her nuzzle into me as we lay there. A nurse walks in. I shift my position causing V to lift her head.

"Good morning Ms. Miranda Nadal. How are you feeling today?"

"I'm feeling pretty good."

"How about you two walk around. Go see your baby?" The nurse says. "If she wakes up, I'll be here to tell her you're walking."

"Okay. Sounds good." Vanessa says and I help her up. "Lin, let's go see Alex."

"Okay my love." I walk with her to see our son. Another nurse sees us looking at Alex.

"Is one of them yours?" She asks.

"Yeah. Alexander-Manuel." Vanessa says and the nurse gets him for her to hold.

"You two take him back to your room." We do. As we approach, I hear Jamie from the room.

"Are they giving me up?" She asks.

"No, I swear they are just walking around." The nurse replies.

"You don't have to lie."

"I'm not lying. Honey, listen, they are only walking."

"Hey, Jamie, honey, it's okay." I say and walk to her. "I'm here. Mama's here. You're okay baby." I hug her as she cries.

"I'm sorry Daddy. Mama too. You just had a baby and I'm acting out." Vanessa sits on the couch, handing me Alex and looking me in the eye. "Lin, it's time. Jamie, we're gonna set up a court date and we're gonna adopt you. It's killing you that we had another baby and we still haven't adopted you."

"Okay Mama." Vanessa hugs our daughter.

"You just need your Mama, huh?"

"Yeah." Jamie leans into Vanessa while I just hold Alex. I see Vanessa rubbing Jamie's back.

*two weeks later*

"Jamie, you are now officially Jamie Nadal Miranda. Congratulations. You've officially been adopted." The judge says and Jamie hugs Vanessa and I.

"I love you Mama, Daddy." She says. I hold her close as we sit in the court room, alone. Just the three of us, Sebastian and Alex. We have a forever daughter.

It's a lot shorter, but hey, she's adopted now! So, yeah. I have to finish getting ready for school. Bye!

The First Private Orphanage: Adopted By Lin-Manuel MirandaWhere stories live. Discover now