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When Lin drops me off at the house, he hugs me and tells me to call if I need anything. "Promise me you'll call if anything happens?"

"I promise Daddy." I say and he kisses my forehead. "Love you goodnight."

"Love you goodnight my sweet angel."

I go inside and am greeted instantly by Vanessa. "Hey sweetie. Do you want to watch a movie? I can make popcorn. If not we can do something you want to do."

"Can you stop fighting with Daddy?" I ask. She stares at me, eyes wide. "It scares me."

"I don't mean to scare you."

"I know. But I've seen a lot of fights in my life. And I can't handle any more of it."

"I'm sorry. Honey. Come here." I walk into her arms and let her hug me. "Look, sometimes grown ups fight."

"Are you guys gonna get divorced? I don't want to have parents that aren't together."

"I hope not baby, but sometimes, these things happen. They just do."

"I want Daddy to come home."

"Me too." Hearing that, I shove her phone into her hands and watch her call Lin. "Lin? Come home? Please?" I grab her phone and put it on speaker.

"I got so overwhelmed." Is all we hear.

"I'm sorry, can you repeat that. Our kid stole the phone." Vanessa says.

"Of course I'll come home. I don't like fighting with you. It's just... I got so overwhelmed in the moment."

"I don't like fighting with you either."


I wake up in the morning to crying. And yelling. Crying and yelling. I go to Sebastian's room. He's not in there. I forgot he stayed with Abuela and Abuelo. Then, I realize the crying is coming from me. The yelling from Lin and Vanessa.

"I am done with this! With you!" Vanessa screams.

"Fine. Have it that way. But I will still see my children. Jamie and Sebastian. And the baby."

"Just get the fuck out! I don't want to see you here!" I watch from my doorway as they continue their screaming match. "And if you come near me or the kids, I will slap you senseless."

"They are my kids too, Vanessa!"

"Technically, Jamie belongs to the state until the adoption goes through." Ouch, that strikes a sore spot.

"I will see my kids one way or another."

"In your dreams lover boy." Vanessa says. Lin smashes his lips onto Vanessa's and for a moment I think they'll make up. But boy is that wrong. "What the hell Lin-Manuel! You don't get to do that anymore."

"I just wanted to see if at least the passion lingered." Boy does it. Because the next thing I know, Vanessa smashes her lips against his and they walk toward their room, lips still connected.



I feverishly kiss Lin. He throws me to the bed and aggressively pulls of my shirt. I pull of my shorts and underwear while he undresses himself. He unclips my bra and straddles me aggressively. He begins to thrust into me. Once, twice, three times. Even more. Licking his bottom lip, he opens his mouth I slam my tongue into his mouth. He closes his mouth and I feel myself go off. "How could something feel a right yet be so wrong?" I ask between kisses.

"Maybe because it isn't wrong."

*smut over*

Lin and I cuddle. Our fight over with and forgotten. He holds me tight and kisses my temple. "I love you." I whisper, melting into his touch.


I wake in the middle of the night. Lin works away on his laptop. "Lin, get some shut eye. You'll work yourself to death." As I say this, our son starts to cry. I go to him and lift him. I sing him Lin's lullaby.

"You can't sing that to him. That's my thing with Sebastian! Mine!"

"Daddy. No grita." Sebastian says. Lin just shakes his head.

"I'm calling my parents. You and me, we're figuring this out now." Lin calls his parents and they come pick up the kids.


"Fine!" I scream.

"Fine!" Lin screams back.

He packs a bag and leaves. We decided to take a break for a month. Then, if we still have the same feelings, we go another month. Until we can at least be civil and not fight in front of the kids.

The kids will stay with me, seeing Lin on the weekends. We decided that he'd still go to ultrasounds and whatnot. The first one is in two days.


I lay on the chair as the nurse moves the wand around my stomach. We see the baby. Out of habit, I grab Lin's hand. He doesn't pull it back. "Wow. I. Wow." Lin says and holds my hand tight.

Sorry it's so short. So, the next chapter is a huge time skip. I'm skipping to a month before the baby comes.

The First Private Orphanage: Adopted By Lin-Manuel MirandaWhere stories live. Discover now