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"Well, if you must know, Lin, it wasn't just you. There is a firmness there. Lin," I prop myself on one elbow, my face resting on my fisted hand. "Lin, I'm pregnant again." I bite my lip. Lin tackle hugs me, kissing my lips. When he pulls back, I smile.

"We're having a baby." I nod, sand he engulfs me in a hug. He holds me, his strong arms around my middle and his face in my hair. "I love you so damned much." He says. One hand moves to the back of my head and he draws me to him, our lips connecting.

Suddenly, Lin throws back the covers, and places both hands on my stomach. I roll up my shirt and Lin rubs his thumbs over my skin. "Hi in there." He says and presses his lips to my skin. I let out a shaky breath as he does, not understanding how he's so happy about it. Not that I'm not happy, but, I don't know.


I wake up to the sound of Jamie screaming. I rush to her room and see her, crying, rocking back and forth in the fetal position. My first instinct is to climb on the bed with her and hold her. So I do.

"Jamie, love, what's wrong?"

"I don't know. I just, I woke up screaming." I can tell she is lying but I don't want to push it right now.

"Come here baby." I say. She crawls into my arms and rests her head on my chest and we fall asleep like that.


I wake up in the morning, Vanessa next to me. I can't remember what lead to her staying in here with me last night. Not wanting to wake her, I lay completely still. Just for her. Her head moves and her hand runs through my long hair. Carefully, I turn to face her. "Morning honey." Vanessa says and I snuggle closer into her. Suddenly, Lin runs into the room and bounces onto the bed.

"We're taking you shopping today Jamie!"

"You don't have to. It's okay. Thank you though." I say and Lin just shakes his head.

"Don't be silly. You are our daughter! Of course we're gonna buy you stuff. I would have yesterday but we were all over the place." Lin says. "Also, I'm gonna spoil both my girls." Lin kisses Vanessa and wraps an arm around her waist. "Mwahaha!"

"Mama? Daddy?" I ask, both of them look at me. "Are you guys sure you wanna adopt me?"

"Of course! Yes we want to adopt you. We love you honey." Vanessa says and kisses my head, worming away from Lin's grasp to hug me. "Of course we want to Jamie. I love you."

"I love you too Mama. You too Daddy."

Lin pulls me into a hug and holds me there for a good 15 minutes. His arms are strong around my torso. When we let go, Vanessa hugs me. Not as long as Lin did but that's okay. When she lets go, Lin hugs her and kisses her temple. I have the urge to tell them to get a room but resist it.

Vanessa and Lin take my hands in theirs and rub circles into my skin. Their other hands cupping my cheeks. Lin starts to hum and I close my eyes, leaning forward, trying to get closer to the sound. They move to my sides. I take off the oversized sweatshirt and toss it to the floor.

Lin takes hold of my bandaged arm. I wince, not expecting the touch. "Does it hurt?" He asks, genuine concern for me in his eyes.

"A little." I say. Vanessa stands.

"I'll go get some Advil for you." She kisses my head and goes to get the pain killers. When she comes back, she hands me two pills and a glass of apple juice. I thank her and swallow the medicine and drink the juice.

"Alright, breakfast." Lin says and carries me to the living room. He sets me on the couch and walks away. Vanessa sits with me.

"Hey, Jamie, do you trust us?"


"Do you trust us?"


"We want you to trust us before we adopt you."

"Then of course I trust you!" I say. I want them to adopt me.

"I want it to be genuine. So until you can trust us, we'll wait to adopt you. Just be thinking about that."

"Okay Mama." Vanessa goes to get Sebastian from his room and Lin brings me a plate of bacon and eggs. There's a piece of buttered toast on the side of the plate. I thank him and start eating. After he gets Vanessa and Sebastian food and for himself, he sits with me.

"Hey, Jamie, do you want to go to the theater with me to talk to the call backs?"


"I know you don't like being around foster dads."

"Daddy, it's fine. I trust you." I say as I finish my food.

"Okay. We have to leave in half an hour."



By the end of the call backs, the cast has been chosen. I smile at the new cast. They all wave. I see Jon among them and run to him. "Jonny!" I jump into his arms as he lifts me.

"Looks like we'll be seeing a lot more of each other."

"I'm glad."

"Me too." He hugs me tight before setting me on the floor again.

Just then, I hear a phone ringing. Lin answers it. "V? Honey, calm down. What's wrong?" He said, sounding worried. I wish I could hear what she's saying. "Okay, V, babe, breathe. We're on our way." Lin grabs me by the arm and pulls me along.

"What's wrong with Mama?"

"I think it would be best if we talk to you together pumpkin." He says as we get into his car.



"You mean to tell me that my grandmother wants to take me?!" I ask, possibly too loud. Sebastian starts crying.

"Yes. And unless we've started the adoption process by Tuesday, she will get you like that." Vanessa snaps.

"I trust you Mama. Daddy, I trust you guys." Vanessa and Lin look at each other and nod.

"Okay. We'll get the paperwork. We won't go down without a fight." Lin says and hugs me tight. I hug him back. This family can not slip away from me.

The First Private Orphanage: Adopted By Lin-Manuel MirandaWhere stories live. Discover now