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I look to Jamie who sits on the couch, watching a movie. Sitting next to her, she scoots away. I move over again. She stands up and sits on the floor. I pause her movie. She turns to me. "Hey! Turn that back on!"

"Not until you sit with me." I say.

"Seriously? Maybe I don't want to sit with you." Jamie crosses her arms over her chest and glares at me before breaking down and crying. I stand and pull her into a bear hug.

"Honey, don't cry."

"I wanna go home. Your family doesn't like me. They don't like me 'cause I'm adopted." She says.

"They all love you. Jamie, they love you. And if they don't, that's their problem."

"Are you sure Mama?"

"I am 100% sure Jame. I know GJ loves you she asked if you were gonna go see her again today."

"After my movie?" She sniffles.

"Sure. I'll stay with you." We watch the movie together and I smile.


"Hi GJ." Jamie says.

"Oh, Jamie, hi. Sit. I'll braid your hair." Jamie sits and I take a seat. Sebastian crawls around and my father holds Alex. Lin walks in, tears in his eyes. I stand up and go to him.

"Lin? Let's take a walk yeah?"

"Yeah." He sniffles. The two of us walk out of GJ's house.

"What's going on?"

"So, you know how four months ago, we were still taking a break?"

"Yeah. Why?"

"I went on a date."

"Lin it's okay. We agreed that it was fine."

"I had sex. With another woman."

"Lin, I don't care. It's fine."

"No, Vanessa it's not fine! I got her pregnant!"

"What? Lin, I am..."

"You're mad." Lin says.

"No, honey, no. It's not like you planned it. Lin, it's not your fault. If you have another kid, I don't care. Just as long as you stay around. For the kids if not for me."

"I don't want another kid Vanessa. What am I gonna do?"

"Lin, tell her. Tell this woman you don't want a baby."

"Vanessa, the worst part is, it's Jasmine. She and Ant broke up and we agreed to go out as friends. A friendship date. And things went too far. We were drunk."

"Oh my god, Lin. I don't know who I feel worse for. You or Jazzy."

"I feel worse for Jazzy than myself. V, what if she wants to keep the baby? I can't say no to her!"


"I am so sorry Jazz. I know it sucks right now, but when you hold your baby, you will forget all the hard times." Renee soothes while rubbing my back.

"I wouldn't know, but I'm here for you Jazzy. You're my Schuyler sister for life!" Pippa pipes in.

"Thanks guys."

"I bet Anthony is psyched to be a dad." Pippa points out.

"Um, about that, the baby isn't Anthony's."

"Then who's is it?" Renee asks.

"It's Lin's. When he and Vanessa were 'seeing other people' for a while. I swear we didn't mean to. We just wanted to hang out. It was a friendship date. Guys, I doubt Lin even wants another kid. He has three already."

"Lots of people have four kids." Renee tells me.

"But he's said he only wants three!"

"Talk to him." Pippa instructs. "Does he know?"



"Lin, please! I don't want an abortion." I say into the phone.

"Let's talk more when I get back. Talk to you later Jasmine." He hangs up. I turn to Pippa and Renee.

"Oh honey." Renee says as I burst into tears. Both she and Pippa hug me and whisper sweet nothings into my ear.


Laying in bed, I put my hand on my belly. "I hope you're a boy. I want a boy. So I can name you James. But if you're a girl, I'll name you Kyler. That's a cute name."

A knock on the door pulls me from bed and to the living room to the door. I answer to find Anthony. I let him in.

"Jazz, I was an idiot. Take me back? Please?"

"There's something you should know first."

"Okay." Anthony sits with me and takes my hands in his.

"Lin and I had sex. After we broke up. I'm pregnant with his kid."

"I don't care. Jazzy, I will be a father to this baby. We both know Lin doesn't want to be."

"Really? You are willing to do that?"

"Of course I am. We can put my name on the kid's birth certificate. I want this Jazz."

"Okay. I have to make sure it's okay with Lin. He is the birth father after all."

"Of course." Anthony says and kisses my lips.


My phone rings. "What do you want Jasmine?"

"Can we put Anthony's name on the birth certificate?"

"What? Sure. Yeah. The world can think you broke up, found out and then realized you need each other. Go for it." I say, my heart breaking slightly. "It's for the baby. Not for you."

"Thank you Lin. I'll keep you updated."

"Please do."


"Bye Jasmine." Vanessa takes my hand as I hang up. "Am I doing the right thing?"

"Time will tell."

"Vanessa, if it's the right thing, why does it feel so wrong?"

"Lin, come here love." I hug my wife and she scratches my back lightly.

"I love you Vanessa."

"I love you too."

Shorter than normal. Unexpected turn though, am I right? I really like the name Kyler too. Just saying. Okay, imma go.


The First Private Orphanage: Adopted By Lin-Manuel MirandaWhere stories live. Discover now