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Lin and Vanessa sit, working on the adoption papers at the table. Lin's parents are sitting on the floor with Sebastian. I just watch from my bedroom door. I'm terrified to meet his parents. Lin looks over at me and walks over. "Hey, hija, what's wrong?" He asks me. I just hug him.

"What if they hate me?"

"Hate you? Jamie, they would never." He says and guides me to the living room.

"Good morning sunshine." Vanessa says, spotting me.

"Ma, Pa, this is Jamie." Lin says and wraps an arm around me.

"Oh, goodness. The last time we saw you, you were in the hospital. Too tired to really know what was happening. I'm Luz, Lin's mother. But please, call me Abuela."

"Okay. Abuela." I say, trying it out.

"And I'm Lin's father Luis. But you call me Abuelo."

"Abuela and Abuelo. Me gusta." I say and sit on the floor with them.

"Breakfast?" Vanessa asks and pours me a bowl of Lucky Charms. She brings it to me, but not before Lin takes a bite.

"Daddy!" I say and giggle. Abuela drops her hold on Sebastian's toy.

"Daddy?" She asks. I look down.

"Is there a problem with that Ma?" Lin asks and crosses his arms.

"No. I'm just surprised is all."

"Lin, you don't need to get fresh with your mother." Abuelo says.

"You still get lectured by your parents?" I ask and Lin gives me a look. "What? It's adorable." Put my hands up as if defending myself, which I was.

"It is pretty cute Lin." Vanessa buts in.

"You too V? Damn woman."

"Don't you sass me." Vanessa says, crossing her arms over her chest. Lin walks to her and pulls her off her chair. Her arms remain crossed as Lin wraps his arms around her. She looks up at him and into his eyes, trying to look mad.

"Awe, Mama." Lin says and kisses her lips. Vanessa gives in and runs her hands through is longish hair.

"Oh, you two, knock it off." Abuela says. Lin waves a hand at her dismissively.

Lin and Vanessa's make out session seems to last forever. But in reality it only lasts like 60 seconds. When they break apart Lin and Vanessa hold each other. "Lin," Vanessa starts but stops herself. They are too cute. "You still can't sass me." She finishes.

"Oh yeah?"


"I love you, beautiful."

"I love you too, babe."

"Mama? Daddy? Can I walk Tobillo?"

"Sure. Thank you for asking." Lin says.

I grab the dog and put her leash on her. I decide to walk toward the park. As I do, I spot Dad's mom. "Jamie? Oh it is so good to finally see you! Baby. I've missed you."

"Clearly not enough to get me from the orphanage." Tobillo whines beside me. "Tobi, you're okay. Quiet down love." I pet her head and stare my grandmother in the eye.

"I'm gonna take you home soon. I promise." She says and tries to hug me. I wiggle away.



"I won't go with you."

"Yes, Jamie. You will. You're stage mate? Jon? He would want you with family."

The First Private Orphanage: Adopted By Lin-Manuel MirandaWhere stories live. Discover now